Taxotere/Docetaxal ACHES - Any Tips?

Thanks Janipi, its good to know it won’t last forever, I feel about 90 years old this morning!

DaisyGirl xx

Hi Daisygirl,

So glad to hear about your nails. I’m getting used to dark polish and will def get some conditioning stuff.

A friend told me today that Udder cream is fab for keeping hands and feet in good condition during chemo-she said it worked like magic for her dad when he had chemo. She is a sister in ITU so she should know! I think she got it off Amazon so gonna try that too. Will try anything tbh.
Hope the aches get better soon. I’m being taxed tomorrow.
Love Rachel x

Did you remove your nail polish every night to rub the oil in?
Kate x

Hi Hope - I kept the polish on but painted the nail oil round the base and side of the nails and massaged it in.

I don’t normally wear any varnish let alone dark plum but yes, I am getting used to it but I hate how long it takes me to put it on and I always make a mess :frowning:

Hi Rachel - Udder cream sounds interesting! I used almond massage oil with (for no particular reason!) lavender and juniper on my hands and then some aqueous cream which has kept my hands from becoming too dry but nothing on my feet as they have been OK, just a bit of skin peeling at the end.

Hope the SEs are being kind too you both, TAX is not pleasent to say the least!

DaisyGirl xx

Well that’s the second tax done and dusted just waiting for the SEs to hit now. No problems with my nails so far but I still have two more to go so there’s plenty of time yet!

I’ve been using hand cream like I never have before but yesterday the skin started peeling off my fingers. I was a bit shocked actually, I didn’t know that was a side effect!

Thanks DaisyGirl,
I’ll try that too with the oil.
I’ve always worn nail varnish on my toenails but not finger nails and like you I make a TERRIBLE mess of my fingers and just as I’ve finished I manage to smudge them with something.
I had my last tax today and I’m wondering how long I should keep going for with the nail varnish.
Forgot to ask the chemo nurse who recommended it… Dohh!

I’ve just ordered some Udder hand cream from Amazon. Most of the reviews say it smells nice but a couple say it smells disgusting!
Still, it was only £3.39 with free postage so can’t go far wrong.

Best of luck with SE’s everyone,
Kate x

Well Kate, we can always donate it to nearest dairy farmer if it’s too bad. A friend of mine’s hubby is a dairy farmer and he uses it for eczema and reckons it’s excellent so def worth a try.


Hi Everyone,

I finished chemo 20th May,and I’m gutted as I am now losing my nails! I’ve lost 3 in the last week and all of the others are coming away from the nail bed!Even my nail lady can’t do anything with them as they are so short. Typical as I’m going on holiday next week!

Hope nobody else suffers too much with theirs!