I was under the impression, whatever job you are in you have a year on full pay due to it being cancer. My work have started deducting money if you are off more than once within a 12 month period, unless it is cancer related. Very annoying as I know have to fight it every time have you spoken to your boss or hr about it?
Hi @sprout78 Sounds fantastic to get a full year of full pay. Sadly i think most enployers are not that generous. Teachers are lucky with 100 days full pay and 100 half, but your deal sounds brilliant. Good luck with your treatment. X
Hi @goodfriend …me too. I’m a year in to treatment now. About to have 4th operation and radiotherapy. It’ll be 18months by the time i go back to school i think. X
Thank you @NikiR. That’s really helpful. I reckon the ssp ends in 3rd week of feb and my 100 days full will end shortly before. With at least 3 months more of treatment, i should just manage. I’ll look into ESA on monday. Hope you’re well now x
No, I thought that was law. We have the usual 6 months for other stuff. All depends on circumstances I believe. I haven’t taken time off except for treatment, was able to do light duties during chemo. Obviously it all depends on what job you do x
I work in local government and have the same arrangement I think, The statutory sick pay is included and yes you will have to have the usual deductions but they will be pro so half the previous rate.
Links that may be helpful
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) my oncology team signed an ESA application for 1 year to allow for being immune suppressed. Contribution based or means tested income based.
Personal Independence Allowance (PIP) used to be Disability Living Allowance for long term physical or mental health that will last at least 12 months ( we are Disabled under the Equality Act 2010) There are 2 levels, living costs and mobility. I was able to claim living costs. It’s a long form and the more detail the better to explain the extra problems you are having. This is not means tested and can be paid on top of salary or benefits.
Hope this helps. Always worth a try, they can say no but you can appeal. I was advised by Citizens Advice it’s quite common for them to reject your claim but CA can help you appeal.
I am not a teacher but was scared of the fall in pay after the set 6 mths of my employer. I tried to go back to work after 2 surgeries before 3rd being mastectomy & diep surgery. Tried to keep count of my days & so far not needed any off whilst having radiotherapy but I am doing reduced hrs till end of Jan to help with this. Wish you all the best with Diep. Don’t push yourself on this tough one xx
Thanks @naughty_boob. I think i should try for ESA as that is based on NI contributions and I’ve always worked.
Hope you’re doing well. X
Thanks @kaz3531. I didn’t work during chemo although I was well enough on third week of each cycle. I have asked my boss if there is any work I can do from home during my recovery from diep but only if I’m paid for this.
Hope you are well now x