Terri, I would like to thank-you for the information you gave me, I would really like to talk with you but I’m exhausted, just got back from Herceptin and I’m on steroids but I can’t wait to hear more, maybe we could work on this together? I have been devastated since being given the news, then I had a meeting with one of my oncs. yesterday and he said a few ‘unexpected’ interesting things, but then having read what you have said I’m already beginning to doubt him. I have always remained a realist throughout this journey and have been astounded at some of the things my oncologists have, or, have not told me. Why did they not operate on your first diagnosis? Did it reappear in the same place? Did it reappear again later on after a clear scan? Look forward to speaking to you soon, I’m back on a mission! Thankyou.
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