Terrified and don't know what to do with myself

Hi all. Sorry for repeatedly posting but I just feel so lost. I am nearly 29 and next Thursday I will be having a core biopsy of a left side breast lump. I initially went to the breast clinic in June where a nurse did an exam and said it was normal, didn’t need a fine needle aspiration and that I would get an ultrasound as reassurance. The ultrasound happened ten weeks later and the doctor said it needed a fine needle. Went back to breast clinic where the nurse said that due to its location, it needed a core biopsy. The hospital then lost the referral, so by the time I have the biopsy I will have been waiting four weeks. The doctor thinks it is benign from looking at the ultrasound, but surely if they are so sure it is benign why are they doing a core biopsy? Don’t get me wrong I would rather have the core biopsy and I know for sure, but I have heard of people being told they have a cyst, fibroadenoma or fatty tissue just from ultrasound alone, so it worries me that they now want to biopsy it. The girl that went in before me got the all clear from the ultrasound, and having gone to the appointment sure it was nothing having told it didn’t even need a FNA, I came out feeling really worried. I have a moderate family risk of breast cancer and scheduled to have mammograms from 40. I am also due an appointment re breast cancer at the genetics clinic when I turn 30, so the family history doesn’t put me in a good place either. If they say it looks benign, what are the chances they are right? I know nobody can give me that answer for sure, but I am just so confused as to why some people come away from ultrasound with a diagnosis, and I haven’t even though they think it is benign. I know I should be trying to be positive, but I am just so anxious. Thanks for reading. X

Hi Frances,
Me again, in case this helps demystify why they sometimes carry out mamo, scan and core biopsy…from the research I carried out and what the specialists told me, sometimes women develop harmless fatty necrosis tissue in the breast. This looks very similar to how some cancer lumps look on a scan (dark and fairly solid). Without doing a biopsy they cannot tell if it is the harmless fatty necrosis types tissue or c.
It is natural that you will feel panicky, but try not to worry too much. It is good they are checking and being thorough and it sounds like its still possible you might be ok. I really hope you are. If you are any good at all at visualisation it may help you take yourself away for a few moments to calm yourself.
Here’s hoping its all clear and just thoroughness.
sea breeze

(fatty necrosis)

Hi Frances

If you need to talk to someone in person and in confidence, then please don’t hesitate to ring our helpline here, the staff are here to support you.  Calls are free 0808 800 6000 lines open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator

They are experts for a reason - try to stay positive and good luck xx I don’t think they would mislead you into believing all is well without good reason . Prob just doing the extra to give you 100% confidence