I had a second mastectomy and Wlx of recurrence in my existing scar on left side on Thursday 4th June , came home on Friday 5th June , and then on Monday 8th June , when I should have been going back to the ward for a drain check I suffered a TGA ( Transient Global Amnesia ) episode . Ended up in local A&E instead !! They sent me home in the afternoon , saying it is not serious and very rare , and not likely to occur again !!
Monday a.m. is now totally wiped from my memory banks , I can remember nothing of it whatsoever … not even the trip to A&E in an ambulance !!! I have also heard from 3 friends that they have all had similar experiences after trauma …so not so rare after all methinks !! Was just wondering if anyone else here had experienced anything similar ??
Jill xx