Hello especially to sofadoc…thanks for your help re pants lol.I cant imagine how Im going to get off to sleep tonight and even worse tomorrow on the ward waiting for 8am op.Sofadoc if you do get to see this -which ward will I sleep in tomorrow?I will be seeing Mr Hart for the first time and Im very glad you had him and youve been so pleased with his work.Thinking of you with the Chemo & your sore head.I will peep on here later to see if youve been on.I really cant believe Im going to get it done after 13 yrs.If anyone else is in this week…best wishes,we will be discuss ing our results next time we are on here!!! Take care Debs
sorry so late - you may not see this before you go in. you usually check into HDU which is where you will be when you come back from surgery. Make sure you eat dinner tomorrow night - long time till next meal! And they’ll offer you something to help you relax/ sleep before the op. Try and relax, good luck, the team is great. I’m sure you’ll be fine. I’m due to see Mr Hart again 7th Oct - maybe we’ll bump into each other
Debzz - hope your op went ok. i came home after mine which was on Monday 22nd… was totally terrfied and like you, was booked in for 8am start… eleven hours later i was in HDU feeling terrible! just so relieved its over with. Hope you are ok