The Pill can I take it


This may be a silly question but I have finished all my treatment including all hormone treatment and was delighted a year after my periods returned along with my sex drive. I am back… I feel sexy… normal …wonderful …I am back to me, well my dilema is I have 4 beautiful children and would not want anymore what are my contraception options ? Can I take the pill

Thank You


Hi Sarah,

I have not finished tamoxifen - only another 4 years!! I have 2 girls age 12 and 16 and do not want any more children. Personally I do not want to take the pill as it contains hormones and I was er /pr + . Can’t be doing with any more hormones. I have a coil - an ordinary one (not the mirena which I did have but had removed as it’s hormonal) . This is supposed to be very effective and I have had it for a year with no problems except…the return of very regular and heavy periods!

You could always discuss your options with your local GP or nurse or on the breast cancer care helpline if not.

Take care

Shorty xx

Hi Sarah

As Shorty has suggested, you are welcome to call the helpline for advice on this issue on 0808 800 6000, it opens Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Hi Sarah,
After my DX May 07 I was told under no circs could I ever take the contraceptive pill or hrt ever again.
My Bc was oestrogen receptive and I,m now on Tamoxifen. I think you can get a coil that does not contain any hormones or you can use condoms. I was told that I could be sterilized but I believe that I have done enough so My husband is booked in for a vasectomy.
Lots of love
Andrea xx

I was the same…no HRT, no pill…no nothing ever ever again. Needless to say lived in fear of getting pg each month, but ended up having to have a hysterectomy after trying to get sterilized (found a cyst so they whipped the lot out to be on the safe side). Its good to know no more hormones are floating around my body anymore, the pills are doing what they are supposed to be doing (so far anyway lol). As for hubby going in for the snip…id pay to see that done lol…no chance lol. At least with me going to the ‘vets’ I know im alright and never have to worry about it ever again…periods and babies that is

Thats a good idea Buttons, being a fly on the wall with all these poor men making a big fuss. My husband refuses to talk about it and says he will just go and get it done without discussion. His friend says he,ll have to lie on the sofa for the day afterwards ( no change there then ).
Love Andrea x