Hi, i had a lumpectomy and SNB. The important thing about driving is to check with your insurance. It would be awefyl to loose your licence because someone bashed into you and when they checked the insurance it was found that you were not covered because of your op.
Mine said i could drive as soon as the hospital signed me off, basically the test the hospital applied was could you make an emergency manoeuvre without discomfort. It took me 2 weeks to be able to do it because of the position of the seatbelt and changing gear with my left hand.
You will need some help with the children though. I hope everything goes realy smoothly with no hic-cups but even if it does I dont know if you will be able to lift the 2 year old for a while.
Radiotherapy is different for everyone, but even with no side effects it is a daily trip to the hospital . You will also need to make sure that they are able to arrange the appointments in school time, they will try, but what will you do if they cannot. Will the child care arrangements you have in place for work cover it
Many people are tired and sore with rads. My symptoms hit in the last week of treatment and lasted 2 weeks. I think i was quite lucky. I dont know how demanding your job is, but to have looked after children, run a household and work through it would have been a challange for me.
I dont like pointing out things that can go wrong, but you might need to think what you would do if they did.
some people react badly to the anesthetic and have to be kept in hospital
If the test nodes are not clear they will need to take other nodes out, that is a longer operation, with drains and things and you certainly cannot pick up anything heavy for ages.
Some people are unlucky and they dont get all the lump out first time and they need a second little op, not a big thing but you will be out of action again.
Most people sail through it all and dont have any complications or repeat surgeries but you need to cover yourself just incase.
If you can afford the time off work I would take it. You will recover better if you rest and give your body a chance to heal. You want to be fit to help you deal even with rads.
Why don’t you discuss this with your Breast Care Nurse. she knows how big an operation you are likely to have and what your time commitment to treatment and recovery are likely to be. There might be some help available through the hospital.
I admire you handling all this with no nearby family for support, running a job and three small children. Dont be too proud though, call in as many favours as possible. Its all a mental strain as well as a physical one and the better you look after yourself the more likely you are to be able to cope with it all.