the risks of tamoxifen versus ovarian cancer

Hi Trish

There are other anti sickness medications that might help you. Cyclizine did nothing for me. You’d need to see your GP but for example, I used domperidone during chemo. Another one that can be used is metaclopramide.

If you’re having rads, I’d ask to speak to your GP on the phone and then he/she could leave a prescription out for you.

Hope you seeon feel better, Elinda x

Hi Trish, I am just as bad, Googling often instils panic. Try Facebook and Twitter, to get you out of the CANCER googling… works for a bit :slight_smile:
I LOVE the extension of the Swan analagy, I see you :slight_smile:

there isnt any risks of ovarian cancer and tamoxifen but it does increase the risk or endometrial cancer about 3 fold… from about 20 in 100000 to 60 in 100000 so still extremely low risk… but if you are one of those 60 then statistics fade into insignificance.
