I have a passion for candles. I particularly like Yankee candles and do admit to have a bit of an addiction for them (yes an expensive habit)! But nevertheless I am not obssessed.
About the time I was diagnosed. A page on facebook which was for Yankee Addicts started a furious thread about how it wasnt fair that they would not be able to order USA exclusives anymore direct from the USA, and that they would only be able to buy the ones sold in the UK. Well some of the people on there went mad, getting petitions done, writing to the chief director in the USA and generally carrying on as if something terrible had happened.
The final straw for me was when a few of then went on the USA page with there fans, and ended up causing huges rows with comments like. We gave you our soldiers to fight in Afghanastan etc. and you wont let us have a few candles. At this point I had to say something as I could not believe how people who had hundreds and I mean hundreds. You only need to go on the addicts page to see just how many candles some have in there collections, but anyway I could not believe how spoilt and greedy some people were because they coudnt get these damn candles shipped over. I totally lost the plot had a go at all involved and told them they were shallow and could not believe that they were making such a fuss when terrible things were happening in the world like cancer, poverty, child abuse etc. etc. and then removed myself from the page.
We all hear people worrying about stupid things, when they have nothing to worry about, but wondered what other things have made people really annoyed.
I like scented candles as much as the next man, but nasty comments from folk who have hundreds? Just light one, enjoy it, and buy another couple.
Some folk need to Get a Grip. It’s a feckin’ candle.
About as annoying as the friend who posted a great sympathy post on FacePlant about how DREADFUL life was, because she had to go for a tiny blood test and it might hurt.
You wanna try being infused with corrosive poisons, chuck.
OMG Ive heard it all now & yes your right I think when you’ve been diagnosed with cancer the petty stuff & silly drama … what can I say POINTLESS Ive become veru intolerant of people moaning over trivial things & although to them it seems a big deal I do tend to say now " get over it… so what …big deal your alive & healthy be grateful & count your blessings lol
The page these people use is Yankee Candle Addiction share the love!!
Alot of them turned on me for saying something, and that just because there passionate about something doesnt make them wrong. I said your just selfish and self absorbed! There actions didn’t show much love!!
Well, you know what they say…“if that’s all you’ve got to worry about, you’re lucky”. Yes people are odd at times but when something big occurs in life, things are put into perspective. My OH had a heart attack 2 years ago and I was very ill 5 years ago and this year have had the BC thing. Trivial matters I used to worry about are no longer important, but I didn’t think they were trivial at the time. All that wasted energy! However, I’ve never been stressed out about candles!!
i remember at xmas standing behind a woman with little children trolley piled saying how she hated xmas and all the madness and would be glad when it was over all in front of the little ones, i was on chemo and felt so ill just felt like saying "stop moaning you miserable cow and make it a happy time " prob not alot to do with my bc i just love xmas lol even though my kids are grownx
I used to be one of the worst for worrying about the day that never came so I won’t criticise those who are still doing it.
One thing that BC has done for me is to get my head sorted with some kind of perspective. I don’t worry nearly as much about everything as I used to. I think it has made me a calmer person.
Hi - THE WASHING!! I told a ‘friend’ my BC was back in bones and lungs and she said ‘OH…and ive left the washing out and it is going to rain! Im so cross!!’. She is a nurse and so I thought I would get better. Im sure it was her way of coping with the news but…THE WASHING!!! HONESTLY.
Washing, thats bloody awful, I would have been furious!
At the moment on fb, one of my contacts is “dying” from a severe case of conjunctivtis!!! Since she is always telling me to be positive, I really feel like saying something with positive in the sentence!!!
I was fairly cross at ‘washing-gate’. But i also did nothing. I wonder why we do this? Get so cross and frustrated, nd do nd say nothing. Maybe we should’ve??
SGL - you know the devil on your shoulder is telling you to put that conjunctivitis is completely curable with positivity and being brave. Then tell her she is an inspiration to us all.
SGL, I dare you too so I think that’s a quadruple dare, so you CAN’T refuse!
A comment along the lines of “I SOO know how you feel, you’re so brave! But you know it’s really important to be positive with this, and you have such beautifully shaped eyeballs!”
Go on, you KNOW you want to! If she challenges you on it you can assure her that you were trying to cheer her up with your message of positivity, because it’s so important. And is she eating the right things and has she given up milk and alcohol, because that’s SOOO important too.
I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist… you KNOW you have to respond, if only to see whether she realises you’re having a giggle.
SGL- you must!! Sure it’s not too late, you could call her today to see how it’s going. And remember, even though her eyes might be crimson and weeping green goo you need to say: “But you look SO well!”
Go on… You know you want to…imagine that lovely feeling of smugness once the lines are delivered, not to mention the gratification and cheer you will spread between your BC mates…