Diag Jan 2008 triple negative (6.5cm x 4.5cm tumour). Fully believing I was now safe, three years on from TAC chemo, bilateral mx and right side axillary (5 out of 19 nodes with tissue spread) 3 weeks rads and full of joys of Spring etc. Went for 6 monthly check on Friday, expecting to be told “fine only need to see you in 12 months time now”. Registrar found extremely sore place on breast bone, and after scraping me off the ceiling, I have a bone scan on Tuesday! She said it was probably muscular but wanted to be sure and will see me again after the scan. I am in the pits again. I know deep down that everything is probably OK and she is just being thorough, for which I should be grateful, but I am so scared, I just want to cancel the scan and never go back to the hospital again,I know, I am being silly. Why oh why when you think you have got it beat, does some silly little thing like this come and hit you bringing back all the fear and gut churning again!
I Nonny
You know the score, the ‘waiting room’ is the pits. Can’t say anything to help, but sending huge virtual hugs and keeping everything crossed for you that it’s muscular or rads damage.
Hello Nonny, you have a right to feel scared, it goes with the territory one day we’re up, next we’re down! When I’m going through ‘scared times’ I tend to try and keep myself occupied - I turn into a wizzard in the home, cleaning every crevice. I also get my long term friend, the credit card, and go and treat myself. Only to one thing, just to feel like I deserve something nice. I cannot stop you from feeling scared but I do know how it feels, and we do come out the other end with answers. Try not to look at the bigger picture, rather, take it one day at a time and give yourself the right to do/feel whatever you feel. Please let us know how you get on and if goodwill thoughts could be sent to you from me, you’ll need a very big heart to hold them. Ann x
Nonny sorry to hear that but glad they have organised your bone scan so quickly so your not waiting and worrying for weeks on end.
Fingers crossed for good news on Tuesday
good luck for today nonny,hope everythin is ok xxx
So sorry to hear! Hope it went ok today! How long will you need to wait til the results? The waiting and not knowing is the worst. Wish the results will be good!
Thank you everyone for your good wishes. Scan went OK, different scanner this time, full 3D scan instead of 2D as before! Took a full hour lying perfectly still. Consultant made an appointment in six weeks for results when he asked for the bone scan, he thought my appointment for the scan would take longer to come through. I asked the Radiographer if there was any way I could get my results sooner and she advised me to ring my Consultant in two weeks and push for an earlier appointment. I will keep you posted. My sister lives in Crete and out there you are given the results of any scans or X-rays straight away, so much kinder.
Love and hugs to all
Dear Nonny
I really hope your scan is fine and I will be keeping everything crossed for you. I have awful pain on my breast bone / collar bone and ribs at the moment and it feels like it is bruised when touched. My Oncologist sent me for a bone scan last summer which was fine. The majority of my pain can be found around the area where I had radiotherapy which finished March 2010 and I think that my sensitivity comes from that. I think breast cancer is a sneeky disease so it is right to get things checked out.
All the best to you Nonny and please let us know when you have any news.
Karen X
My follow up appointment has come through, Friday 13th April! I rang and tried for an earlier one but no go, they are really busy. Still if they had found anything I am sure I would be hauled in sooner! So no news is good news at the moment. I will keep you posted. Thank you for your good wishes, I do hope things improve for you Karen.
Best wishes all
hope you had good news x
Yippee!!! All clear and I do not have to go back for any more check-ups, I have been discharged! Dear Doctor said obviously if I have any concerns at all I can contact the Department or my GP. I do have a small lump on the line of my scar but he is certain this is just a stitch that has a cyst formed around it and he is making arrangements for me to see my surgeon for it to be removed under a local. The pain in my ribs is down to the cartlage(?) being inflamed, nothing to do with radiotherapy or cancer or treatment, just one of those things, nothing to worry about. I have my life back at last. Here’s to the future.
Good luck all you ladies out there
So glad you got this news. Hope you have a great weekend and celebrate it in style Nonny. Val
great news woop woo xxx
hi nonny
Congrats, all breast cancers are the pits, but it is good to hear a another tnbc coming through.
Having just read all the postings with increasing worry for you what a lovely ending…superb news .
All the best
Fab News Nonny.
i too have a cyst on my scar and had just left it but its gotten quite a bit bigger the last couple of weeks although still really tiny but would rather be rid of it so might see if they can remove it under local too.
Got an appointment to see surgeon next Wednesday, boy when they want to aren’t they quick! Don’t know if she will do the op then or if I will have to go back later. Will keep you posted. Went trout fishing on Sunday, wonderful day out. We have a local organisation called South West Fishing for Life for ladies who have or have had breast cancer, apparently the casting is really good exercise. It is all entirely free based in S W Water reservoirs, Fishing Coaches and rods etc are all supplied and if you catch a fish you get to keep it!
It is really great.
Love and hugs to everyone.
Saw surgeon, she asked for a detailed Ultrasound. This showed what she thought it was, a stitch, she said I could have it cut out or leave it alone. I opted to leave it alone I have had enough of being chopped and poked and prodded! She said if I had any problems, the stitch might work its way to the surface for example, to give the department a ring and she would sort it out. I am staying well away from the hospital from now on, roll on the rest of my life.
Love and hugs to all you ladies out there.
Hi Nonny I got mine looked at lat week… I had an ultrasound too which just showed it was just under the skin but didn’t conclusively show a stich which is what they were thinking here too. My surgeon thought best to leave it though unless I wanted it cut out and I decided i wanted it removed as it was getting bigger and I didn’t like the look of this big spot like thing so he gave me some local and made an incision to see if he could pull out the stich but there was no stitch there so he thinks it was an abscess. Anyway it’s all gone now.
Glad your ok too.
Lulu xx
Hi Lulu
Glad you got rid of yours. I just couldn’t face being cut again, so I am leaving it to see if it gets any bigger, or hopefully the stitch will make its own way out. If it gets bigger I expect I will get it seen to but at the moment its not a bother so I am leaving it alone. I just wish that when anything unusual happens your mind didn’t immediately go to the big C, it would be lovely to get back the peace of mind before all this nastiness happened. Hey Ho on we go.
Love and hugs to all