I really do feel I’m in the minority as I’ve noticed on many other breast cancer boards just how many women collect and buy and enjoy all the pink merchandise. I’m not citicizing them at all for doing so just pointing out that I feel those of us who feel differently are very much (I think) in the minority.
It’s a shame our voices are lost amongst the din of the cash registers.
Mmm pink Are we a minority, how do we know? How do we know that if people were in receipt of the facts that opinions may/may not change?
People need to have hard facts before they will change their views on this. It’s hardly surprising the facts are not available as it would undoubtedly affect sales. How many people thought they were doing the right thing purchasing charity Christmas cards from the major stores until they realised it was a very small percentage that actually went to the charities. Sure these cards are still purchased but it is an informed choice. Without the whole pink giving being transparent people are giving their money without knowing what % goes to the charities, are the said companies making money and what the money is spent on.
I’d like to know that facts so until I do none of my pink pennies will be leaving my purse coupled with my usual complaint of tacky merchandise, insensitive campaign headings and feeling it has naff all to do with me and my illness.
Gosh it’s only September too
Love Twinkle xoxo
Mmm more pink. Just noticed on the Home Page here BCC are calling their campaign ‘‘In the Pink.’’ Not knocking the title still mulling it over.
September it seems is the new October.
Moved post I have moved the post below into this thread at the request of Roisin.
Breast Cancer Care
posted on 1.09.06 12:14 pm
As you know I have long suggested that cancer sufferers take a long hard look at the ways in which cancer charities use the money which is given to them in good faith by companies such as Asda as well as private individuals. Such scrutiny might go a long way to improving the standard of service offered by charities. I can’t really see how isolating one firm - Asda - far less meeting outside it (as you suggest) will achieve this aim.
Best wishes
Jane said:
“Its how its spent and what its spent on that matters and I must say I notice cancer charities spending money which could be better or more economically spent, or spent on different things.”
which seems to me to reflect a similar view on charities to Roisin’s.
I think there are two separate issues. One is the question of how well and wisely charities spend the funds they receive from all sources. If people with cancer want to look into this further, I think the only way they can do so is to form a lobbying group for that specific purpose.
The other issue is the anger and upset caused to many breast cancer patients by corporations that make money out of breast cancer, but dress up their campaigns to look like it’s entirely atruistic and fool some customers into thinking all sale proceeds go to charity. Again, I think the only effective way to deal with that is if enough like minded people get together and lobby ASDA and other corporations to tell them what they think.
I don’t think it’s a question of isolating ASDA, they are just one of many corporations that do this stuff. But dissent has to start somewhere and ASDA has projected itself to the top of the list because the name of its campaign is particularly inappropriate and offensive.
Singling out ASDA? I think they did it to themselves by beginning their campaign in August, ahead of anyone else and getting an employee to post a blatant advertisement!
Happy to criticise other corporations that offend me WHEN they do something!
I agree, Holeybones You are right. The post is a blatant advertisement for ASDA. Perhaps the moderators could explain why they allowed it onto the BCC forums?
Best wishes