Hope someone out there is feeling same as me. I finished chemo early March then came down with most horrendous aching joints which I’ve started taking ibuprofen for. I read on here that it can be a hangover from chemo and that in time the aches and pains go away. Mine seemed to get worse. Also periods stopped at christmas and I do have hot flushes… you’d think this all would have been enough of a clue really. Anyway got confirmation from onc that I am through menopause brought on by chemotherapy.I also started taking arimidex (which can intensify menopause symptoms) but I just wondered if anyone else out there had gone into premature menopause and how they handle their symptoms. It is so sudden and severe that it’s making me feel very low. I am taking glucosamine, starflower oil and omega 3 6 and 9, any other suggestions?! Roll on… better days! Carrie x
Hi Carrie,
My periods stopped in December, last chemo was 3rd Jan. Didnt have anymore symptoms until started Rads and Tamoxifen. Suddenly plunged into menopause at 39, hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, painful sex, weight gain. The hot flushes have been really bad for a few days and are really getting me down. My Onc suggested a mild anti- depressant that reduces hot flushes so I may ask my GP for some ( dont know what it is called ). I,ve started taking glucosamine, black cohosh and vitamin E, but havent noticed much difference. I may look into red clover but have to be careful as some things contain oestrogen and its a big no-no for me. What properties does Starflower have and is it any good ?
I,m thinking that summer might make flushes worse OMG !!!.
lots of love Andrea xx
Hi Carrie and Andrea
I have added a link to a Breast Cancer Care publication called ‘Menopausal symptoms and breast cancer’ which you may find helpful. The publication can either be downloaded via the link or ordered from the helpline on freephone 0808 800 6000 the lines being open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.
Best Wishes
hi andrea
thanks for replying, makes me feel less alone… it’s a lot to cope with isn’t it, menopause, when you’re still getting over chemo and going through radiotherapy. I am 39 too. all a bit early to be flushing. Do you have the aching joints? I was considering asking my onc for a bone scan as i’m scared in case the pains are something more sinister. I think starflower is meant to work but I’ve only been taking it four days and i think it takes 8 weeks before you notice any benefits. I was about to plan a holiday to Greece or US and to be honest, the thought of a hot climate, on top of the symptoms, makes me wonder whether it will be a disaster. Any one had any experiences??
Lucy - thanks for the referal to factsheet - i’ve read it twice over already!
Carrie x
Hi Lynn
Yes it was me!! And thank you so much for your reply, most grateful. Doesn’t seem as though there are that many of us around on that forum but I am very appreciative of your comments. Hope you are doing well. Carrie x
Hello again Carrie,
There is another post called taking herbal tablets on Tamoxifen you might find interesting.
I have just bumped it to the top.
Yes I,m worrying about my holidays also, I,m going to Bermuda in 4 weeks. Its a birthday treat because my 40th is looming 26th June. On the 31st of May it will be 1 year since DX also. We are staying with a friend and I get cheap flights so looking forward to it. Havent been abroad for 3 years.
On the achy joints I think that a mixture of Chemo and menopause could be causing it, you could try Glucosamine.
But its a good idea to get them checked out especially if you have them all the time.
Lots of love
Andrea xx
P.s we should start a post called the 39 ers. I think there are a few of us.
I have read that 80% of people taking tamaxifen can stop hot flushes by having acupunture… I have only just started chemo so have no first hand experience but will be giving it a go… has anyone else tried acupunture?
jo x
Hi Carrie and Andrea
I had Zoladex for 2 years when I was 1st dx and this brought on an early menopause. I was/am hormone positive so had to keep away from a lot of herbal remedies. I had terrible hot flushes for the 1st 12 months then they seemed to ease off. I also had achey joints especially my ankles 1st thing in the morning but nothing that caused any real problems.
Some things I had/did that helped were to have a spray bottle of water near me at night and used to cool me down, especially in the summer when I had a fan next to me as well. You can also get an aerosol called Magicool (from Boots and other places) which is sooooo cold it’s lovely! I found Boots own one wasn’t as cold but this other one has something in that makes it evaporate quickly which gives the coolness. I dressed in layers so could take off long sleeves when needed and, hate to say it, but clothes that didn’t show the sweat! I also wore natural fabrics such as linen (H & M usually do a good range of inexpensive cropped trousers, skirts etc) and found I needed skirts or cropped trousers so I didn’t get too hot.
I took Evening Primrose Oil, and still do, but don’t know if this made a great improvement - I think I felt it did but can’t remember now. Starflower Oil is just a plant with a higher concentration of the ‘active’ part of E P Oil so may be worth it for a bigger dose.
The plus side was when we went away to Greece in that 1st 12 months I hardly suffered from hot flushes partly because it was so hot anyway. I read that you get hot flushes because the menopause affects the part of the brain that deals with changes in temperature. Therefore if it’s hot anyway you don’t get so much contrast with your body heat and the outside temperature. Also we had airconditioned rooms which were bliss for sleeping although I think my hubby got a bit cold!
Hope this helps and enjoy your holidays - you deserve it!
Nicky x
PS I have read about a ‘Chillow’ which is a cold pillow for night times, there are some threads here about it but I can’t pinpoint them to show you - sorry.
Thanks for the tips Baglady and Nicky,
Yes I,ve heard of the Chillow pillow also. Definately will give acupunture a try.
Love Andrea x