Tiredness and pain

I’m 16 weeks post radio after a lumpectomy and I’ve suffered fatigue that has wiped me out for days at a time. Last week I felt as if my energy was returning and I’m waiting to see my oncologist mid April before starting Tamoxifen. During the last few days I’ve started to experience neck and back pain, pain running down my arms into my hands and the fatigue is back. Should I see my GP or what should I do? I’ve not done anything about the fatigue as I hear it’s normal but the pain in my limbs is almost unbearable.

Hi Suze4000 I finished my rads in October last year and stll sometimes feel really tired ? but maybe check with your gp about pain , and try drinking plenty water , hope you feel better soon x

Thank you, I’ve seen my GP and he doesn’t think it’s sinister; having blood tests to confirm. I’ve joined a gym to strengthen my muscles and lose some weight which is bound to help! After treatment I feel vulnerable as I don’t have that daily contact with the health professionals but I’m guessing that’s normal.
One day at a time…x

Yeah it’s very normal I felt like that to I think when your attending hospital it’s almost like you have security then all of a sudden you on your own , I’m still in my bed at 9pm some nights but I’m back at work now and going back to the gym to loose weight , good luck xx