TN with lymph node involvement and now poss liver and abnormal abdominal nodes

7 days post wle & anc. And I have a seroma which is accumulating in my boob! I sound like a sloshing hot water bottle lol. Pain meds have been increased so hopefully that starts to help. But I have to stop doing my exercises which is actually making me feel worse right now! But I have been reassured this will pass. How is everyone else getting on x x

Hi All

Pam, I had a double mastectomy because it has been caused through receiving chest radiotherapy for lymphoma whn I was younger, so very high risk of developing in. It’s boobs, so it wasn’t an option to just have one done
DMCF, I am also sloshing around with fluid, which they don’t want to drain as I have healed so well. So I am also struggling with exercises and absolutley HATE the feeling in my chest. Feels like a vice and everything sloshes about when I mobe. Yuk . It actually makes me feel sick

Two weeks post op now and they assure me things will improve but that it does take some time

Lots of love to all


Hi, sorry to hear you in discomfort, hopefully it will sort itself out quickly. Thanks re the info, because I’ve just signed up, I am not sure I’m allowed such privileges! I couldn’t see anywhere to switch PM on. Would be interested to read. Am I allowed to give my email address on here or is that not allowed? Thanks Emma x is anyone here have the genetics testing? X

thanks June, much appreciated.


There is now a private FB page for dec/ January chemo starters . We are slowly growing and I realsied I am the only TNBC on there. Please come and join us . Only the ladies in The January Crew fb group can read posts and its specifically for all those about to come ce on chemo.

If you fancy joining us pm me your FB name and photo description so I know it’s you and I can add you

Sam x

Hi Sam, will join :slight_smile: although I’m a newbie to FB (!) hope everyone doing ok xxx