To have chemo or not

I don’t have secondaries as far as I know. My nodes were clear and there was no vascular invasion. I was still put on TC+H because FEC is harsh on the heart, and as Herceptin is also harsh on the heart my onc didn’t want me to have FEC and Herceptin even though my heart is healthy. TC is kinder on the heart apparently. I’m not complaining as I seem to have had a much better time than some of the FEC ladies.

Lots of posts crossed again!

juliemb, mine got better after 1st cycle when I took the extra meds. Each cycle I kept a diary of side effects and my onc adjusted support meds to help.
You could have the debate with your onc, I guess they will have considered the alternative of radiotherapy. Again from my Dec group, that doesn’t sound a picnic either!

Thank you Lola, I can see that now on the site. The oncologist never showed me that on the day, just did the second one.
Sarah, I know that Tax is supposed to be good on secondaries and if i have it now we cant use it later on as well, is what I was told, so that was another reason for my decision. My onc said that the trials for herceptin were only valid with chemo, so wont give it without at least one cycle, seems a bit daft, but its what has spured me into at least giving it a go!
Julie, if I get your SE’s they dont have a cat in hells chance of getting me bak for a second cycle! They are giving me Emend from the beginning in the hope I am not too bad and they keep me coming back for more. I am so sorry to hear you have suffered so badly. It is the unknown of SE’s that is the worry for me, but I have to give it a crack xxx

Hi Julie,

What a dreadful time you had, no wonder you are considering giving up. Maybe it is the EC that you can’t tolerate and maybe your onc could change the regime to a different one, or at least reduce the doseage? I hope you can sort something out.

Hi all, thanks for your comments. xx

Hi Spikeyred
Basically it’s down to you…but I know what I’d do in your shoes.
I was different to you in that I wasn’t dx until I was 56, was grade 3, with 3 positive lymph nodes. Until my op I was told that there was no evidence of positive nodes etc etc and that chemo wasn’t necessary. So it was a total shock for me and I was scared stiff.
But that was 5 years ago, and whilst I know that thinking has changed regarding treatments, if I was in my 40’s I would want to throw the kitchen sink at this and know that I’d done everything possible to prevent a recurrence (or worse). Over the past 5 years I’ve seen a friend refuse chemo only to die 18 months later, whilst other friends/colleagues (much younger than me) are still here enjoying life after chemo. There are no guarantees, and that’s what’s so hard.
Chemo serves a purpose, rads does too (and is the unsung hero) but the ‘new kid on the block’ are the AI’s and I put a lot of faith in mine (femara) which I will be taking until I hit the 10 year mark.
You will hear no complaints from me. Chemo was hard, rads were a doddle, AI’s were OK…but I’m still here, enjoying life, travelling and spending time with the family. All things I was doubtful I would see 5 years go.
It’s a really hard decision to make, but you only get one chance at this.
Take care
Mal x

Hi Mal. Thank you for your positive comments. I have come to the same conclusion as you throw the kitchen sink at it and then there will be no chance of me saying if only I had had the chemo if the future. My wonderful cousin is a BCN and we had a long chat yesterday. She agrees get the chemo now. I may regret this decision temporarily whilst having the chemo but as she said it is an investment in the future. So chemo starts on the 15th August. Thanks all, I really appreciate people taking the time to comment xx

Hi Spikeyred
I really believe you are making the right decision with the chemo. For me the decision was clear cut-throw everything at it now then if it does recur, at least I can say I did everything. Good luck, it is doable x

I also believe you have made the right decision, and now you have made it you will feel better about it. Good luck, it is manageable, and only a few months out of your life. It will be over before you know it. xxx

Good for you spikey, good luck with it. Sarah.x

Thanks ladies, I feel so much better thee the decision has been made xx

Hi ladies well 2nd ec has been even worse even though was given emend. On day 6 my temp dropped to 35.6, went to hosp for bloods, whilst there I collapsed, blacked out and had a fit, was admitted with severe chest infection, on a drip for 3 days, had a cat scan which was clear, came home after 4 days. Really need to rethink ongoing chemo now as my mum, eldest daughter and partner have said not to continue. I can have herceptin as have had 2 chemos, rads and tamoxifen, xx xx