To have chemo or not

Hi Iris. Since Sept when I was diagnosed. I have had a lumpectomy followed by a mastectomy with recon .The surgeon left my nipple on and later discovered pre cancerous cells lurking there. So a 3rd op to remove the nipple!! No lymph node or vascular invasion . Arimidex suitable. Then the big question Chemo or not!!! Last week the oncologist fed my stats to her comp. Results, If I had a mild chemo my chances improved by 2% . A more agressive type chemo increased my chances by 3-4%. For me I was relieved with the decision not to proceed. Should this monster return I will fight it with all I’ve got. For me at this time the right decision was made. I hope you feel the same way. Best of luck

Coleen x

hi all
I have found this all very interesting but still cant decide what to do. My story is had lumpectomy 1.4 tumor invasive grade two and sentinel node biopsy al clear. Results of lumpectomy two more spots in margins so suggested mastectomy. good things by having this i wouldn’t need rads and because don’t need rads could have reconstruction. i had it on 6th DEC. went back for results all went well now thrown at me chemo…y… i haven’t actually seen oncologist yet so don’t know facts and fig…at first i don’t want it cant understand if all gone out of breast lymph clear y need it. then think i should if they suggest it… today don’t want it it causes too much trouble i like to plan hols have booked some for this year. i look after my grandson so puts daughter out re work etc. but they tell me because of my age 49 i would benefit. i am totally confused… reading all this helps but i am no further on… good luck to all and happy new year i hope.

Hi Jal7777,

I was exactly the same as you - mine was lobular, though and don’t know what yours was - so had mast, immediate recon and no rads. Was told by my onc that my chance of survival in ten years was 87% with tamoxifen and this would be increased by 3% with chemo. I didn’t feel that this small increase was worth the effect on me and my family (my partner’s first wife passed away from secondary bc and his children had already seen her go through it twice).

However, if it does come back then I’ll deal with it then and will probably go down the chemo route, though I really don’t want to. I have six kids to care for now (my partner’s three and my three) so will see what happens. BTW, my onc was perfectly happy for me not to have chemo and said he wasn’t all surprised by my decision.

I was 38 at dx - hope this helps, but have probably added to your confusion! Hope not though.

Sally xx

Hi Sally Lou.
Thanks for the reply it helps well sort of… i didn’t realise how many people have actually said no to chemo. i think i will start a thread soon who said no to chemo and y. i was in this situation about reconstruction. i read so many bad things on here i was totally put off then i did a thread reconstruction positives please and wow how surprised i was to see happy people. this made my mind up and i went for it on 6th… still sore fluid building up but pleased with results and to think i was slowly going against it after reading threads about it. i have just opened my post and i have my appt for oncologist on 17th Jan so will wait till get facts and figs… one thing that hasnt helped me is… when i went back to hosp for check after op i saw another consultant and he is one referred me for chemo. saw my one last week and he doesn’t think it necessary who do you believe. yes i must wait to see oncologist… thanks again julie.x

Hi everybody. I’ve just come onto this site because I’m just about to start a radiotherapy course but have got myself into a real state worrying about the possible side-effects later on lungs - (fibrosis)and possibly heart (no energy levelsetc) if the tumour is on the left side). Is anyone else concerned about possible serious side-effects from radiotherapy? I am even considering having a mastectomy now to avoid rads and now that I’ve read this site, chemo! My team here have recommended that I don’t have chemo as my tumour is a Grade 2, 14mm, oestrogen-positive. I’ve started the 5 year course of Tamoxifen and am expected to do the rads. I don’t really want to lose a breast either…any ideas about a sensible way forward? With many thanks Allegra.

Forgot to add above that I had the tumour taken out on 18th December and the margins were good and clear. Allegra

Hi Allegra - if you are ER+ and post menopausal, it may be good idea to ask your Oncologist about Arimdex. I was put on tamoxifen during rads, but my Onc suddenly switched me to Arimidies - no explanation, and I didn’t need it, having done my research. I had lymph node spread and knew Arimidex was the best med for for to prevent a recurrence. Do you have any lymph node spread, as this would predicate chemo? I had a 2 cm tumour and had 6 x FEC chemo.

It is interesting that you ask about side effects from rads (I had 25 rads and 2 boosters), because I have just had my 5 yrly review with my bc surgeon, brought forward 2 months because of a swollen breast, crusty nipple, aureole white etc etc. He said the changes are due to rads.He did give me a mammon and ultrasound and no new tumours were found. Duh? some 4 yrs since finishing rads? He said it can occur 40 yrs down the line, - at 63 yrs I won’t be around then.

I think we are all individuals who react to chemo and rads so differently, so there is no status quo.
When I look back, I had no idea rads could, and possibly do, affect the lungs and heart. Neither my Onc or onc nurse advised me of those complications. I just wanted to take all the treatments offered, and am now NED.

Take care - you will sail through rads, only downer is tiredness, so give into it and keep yourself your first priority.

Dear Lizziecee, Thanks for your reply . I’m not post menopausal, so I’m on Tamoxifen for 5years, or until menopause kicks in properly (I/m 51 now). I think it’s like you said…we all react differently…Iwas talking to a friend by phone today who thought I should do rads…She had it 15 years ago and doesn’t seem to have any effects from that at all. She did say she put on 4st, with the Tamoxifen. Help! I have noticed I am feeling much hungrier and have actually put on nearly half a stone since Christmas. At the moment , this is no bad thing as I’m a bit thin…don’t want to get too large though. I’m not able to exercise much at the moment though because my arm is sore after the lumpectomy. I’m not really nearer any decision yet. I am interested to know what your onc. has recommended for your current problems re radiated breast tissue? Hope to hear from you soon. Love Allegra