To port or not to port?

Hi Morwenna I’m having 6 doses of FEC and after the first 2 they gave me a portacath as my veins were hardening. It’s much better, the chemo goes in quicker & there’s no hunting for veins. The chemo nurse is the only one who’s confident enough to take blood through the port but so far that’s been fine as she’s had time to do it. I’ve had it all done by the NHS

I think it’s worth it for 4! That’s what I had

From reading this I know that I’m really lucky. I had a portacath fitted straight away last week before my chemo started. I am having herceptin afterwards and my veins can be shitty to begin with when canulars are involved. Having my first chemo on Monday with the port was so much easier! The only problem is that I’ll have to continue to have my bloods taken through my arm veins as normal as I am having my chemo out of area and my local NHS don’t use the ports at all. I need to have a nurse check my veins a couple of days before my bloods are due so that if my veins have decided not to play I still have time to get to the hospital where I am having chemo and have the bloods done through the port.