Top tips going through chemo!!!!

Just a note to say a huge thank you for all those tips! This is so appreciated!

Gill x

Mijam, do you know if it’s possible to get a percription for bio oil? I’ve seen bio oil in my local chemist but as I’ve bought a 12 month pre pay percsrption (spelling? can’t get it right brain seems to be switched off today) thought I could ask GP when I next see him.
I know i was unlucky in being so sick after my 1st chemo but another tip i thought I’d pass on is that I was pleased I had a small bag with toothbrush, moisturiser etc left packed from a weekend away that i shoved in my handbag on my way to A&E. Proved useful when I had to stay in overnight. Lots of other tips have been very useful except now can’t face ginger or the smell of ginger or even when feeling especialy queasy the thought of ginger!
Thank you
Little mrs

Good tips - worth bringing to the top of the pile again!

bumping up for Karen and Lyn

Hi littleMrs Don’t think you were unlucky being so sick I was violently sick too but I did have support from District Nurse who came to inject me and emerg Doc. My meds have been changed on EMEND Now and that seems to have worked so good luck for next time maybe it will not be so bad. I know what you mean about Ginger I cannot face it now either!!!

The Manuka honey is also on sale at Morrisons, Tesco and Sainsburys where it is a little cheaper.Try Zinc and Q10 they also help boost immune system.

Hi everyone contributing to this fantastic thread! What is the best way to use ginger (hoping it’ll be ither ginger biscuits or Stones Ginger Wine…), and manuka honey - on toast, or off the spoon? If you’re having iced lollies actually during the treatment do you take a freezer bag in with you, or are they better kept at home to have in between treatments? I think I’m trying cold cap so the nurse said they bring lots of hot drinks. Tinned pineapple or fresh, or juice? Is Gaviscon better than PepcidTwo for heartburn? Don’t actually start for another fortnight but I’d like to have everything here just in case! Your first-hand experiences are priceless, ladies, thank you so much for taking the time to remember them all. Lyn xxx

Brill thread!! maybe this is the basis of a fact sheet/hints and tips from us?

I’ve been pretty lucky-ish with side effects - am on Tact 2 - 3rd of epirubicin to be followed by xeloda 3 weekly.

I live alone when the kids are at uni so i have found it is worth buying/making nice simple easy to prepare food in advance - sounds obvious? But on the grot days i have opened the fridge and cried at the prospect of having to do anything with raw ingredients - i am not nauseous or anything, just weary and brain not working. fruit is wonderful when you have to eat with pills - bananas count!!!

My eyes get v itchy for a few days post chemo and the airline type of eye thingy that you cool in the fridge is a real help. Since most of my nose hair departed (gross!!!) i do really runny nose and i haven’t found a solution to that except loads of tissues!! (and why - if i have to lose hair everywhere else - do my legs stay firmly haired!!!)

I do lively in the mornings but my night sleep only gets back to normal in the week before the next chemo - don’t be afraid to say you are tired and don’t fret about being tired - it’s dull but not abnormal. Sleep when you can - all the hosp people say it is when we heal. My sons are home for Easter hols from uni but have reacted better to me in pajamas in the middle
of the afternoon than me having a nap fully clothed - my kids are not insensitive - just seem to accept the signal better - they were brill when i had the mastectomy but uni term started before the chemo so this is the first time they have seen me feeling grot.

Sore mouth - my dentist prescribed chlorohexo gluco whatever it’s called but it does cause staining v easily and it can’t be brushed off. Salt water washes do help. As does tonic water when water still doesn’t hit the spot. Drink loads of watery things.

Carry your card and thermometer all the time and have a bag ready with your nightclothes and toiletries, book etc. Then hopefully they will never be needed.

Most of all - stay positive. Chemo is only a short period in our lives, it will be over soon. Talk to people… enjoy life.


Thanks Jennifer I’m focusing on it being a short time relative to everything else. I don’t like feeling wingey and pathetic as I have been this cycle. I wasn’t prepared for how the chemo was going to affect me. Feeling much stronger now mentally thanks to this forum and sense of humour restored.

I went to see my GP yesterday and he said to phone surgery for the District nurse for injections if I need them, after my next treatment on Monday so will keep that in mine if Marsden don’t manage to improve my tolerance to sickness reaction. He had a look for bio oil on his list of things to prescribe and couldn’t find it so I’m going to buy some today. The ice lollies were to have at home when I was too ill to eat and the GP suggested them as he said I’d be getting some sugar. The supermarket van has just delivered my shopping and I’ve stocked up on pizzas so my son can cook his own tea, poor thing. i just keep thinking it’s good for him to be independent (he’s 11). I’ve been swigging gaviscon straight from the bottle, Lyn!
Take care
Little mrs

Hiya Lynn & all,

I had ginger in the form on ginger biscuits and dry ginger ale. Both worked for me to help with nausea. Also, when I had an ice lolly as the chemo was being administered I took a little cool bag with me. My mum picked it up from Asda for me, along with a couple of ice packs. Its only a dinky cool bag, I used out mt calipo in it, in between 2 ice packs, and it would stay nice and frozen 'til needed,

Take care,


I have manuka honey off spoon on cereal or in nat yoghurt.

My hospital provide the ice lollies so I just suck on them with the sweets and drink loads of water, it helps with taste and washes chemo out of body.

Take Care
Sarah x

Just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time out to write those tips!. Am a chemo newbie about to start next week. Nervous as hell but have just been to Boots to stock up on some of your suggestions and suddenly I don’t feel so bad. I feel a bit more in control and prepared and lets face it, control is not something I’ve experienced much since I was diagnosed!. Thanks again guys.

I’ll be heading off for my new chemo with cmf adn found all the tips here sooo helpful - thank you to all you folk who have posted.

I read one post that suggested Q10 - I asked my Onc about them at the start of my chemo with epi and was advised not to take Q10 or selenium as they counter what the chemo is doing. So best to check about any suppliments with your onc.

I found on epi that eating a little every couple of hours helped keep the sicky feeling away. Porrige was excellent in the morning or else cold milk with a wheatabix. Don’t eat too many of your fav foods when you feel sick - otherwise you will go off them!!

Sleep is a great tonic - plus you dont feel sick when you are fast asleep!!

good luck everyone…

I’m partly posting to bump this up - i wish i had had some of these tips when i started chemo - tho i loathe GINGER!!! i’m laughing… really loathe except root ginger.

I never ever thought i would look forward to a chemo sesh but the next one sees me half way through!!! YAY!

The tip i didn’t put in before was … fall in love… umm i did and it certainly takes your mind off things!!

eal69eal… i hope first chemo is ok and u take care!!

Jennifer x

Lol Jennifer, I think I’ll stick to being in love with my animals for now! How do you balance falling in love with nausea and hair loss???

Sue I’ve just put a note to you on Sharon’s ‘dog’ thread, I love porridge and Weetabix (not together) but had thought milk would worsen any nausea - I’m delighted to think I may be able to have my favourite breakfasts after all! My Epi starts a week Friday so you’re a bit further down the line. How’s your hair, dare I ask…? Lyn xxx

Hey the cat always comes first and she miaows a bit but never complains when i am tired because we can just do lying down lap things!

i am lucky not to feel nauseous from treatment (and hey - he isn’t that bad!!). diagnosis triggered him to say how he felt… we had been not saying anything before. So he has seen the mastectomy scar, was with me when my hair started falling out BIG TIME (a coincidence because he lives 5 hours away) and was there when i had the no2. apparently bald one breasted woman are ok… am laughing

my next treatment is last of epi - it is a beautiful colour and that is all i think when having it. i have been ok - i know people do feel sick but hope you will be ok. i just feel a bit grot/tired for a few days, sore eyes and no brain. 3 days after i feel loads better.


ps… cat will be here even if he walked!!

I know what you mean, my cats are loving having me lying around so much!

I like you describing the epi as a beautiful colour. When I visited the chemo suite last week, the nurse said not to think red means blood, red means danger, just think red means love, hearts, red means roses, red means sunrise… I’m trying to learn more about visualisation and that is really beneficial - of course, the crunch hasn’t come yet, but I hope these ideas will help. Perhaps I’ll keep my eyes shut.

You’re very lucky indeed to know what sounds like a very special and compassionate man - gives a warm and fuzzy feeling. All the very best to you. Lyn xxxx

I’m to start my chemo (FEC-T) on Thursday. I’ve just sent the family away on holiday as I want to be alone to cope with it, although a friend is staying with me Thursday night just in case. Am getting the treatment at home - which is a brilliant idea (as long as I don’t need emergency treatment - I live very rurally!) Have been buying some of the things recommended as tips, and am grateful for the excuse to indulge in Ginger Nuts! However oncologist also said to get LACTULOSE and start that a few days before treatment. Good idea?

Hi Ladies, First chemo tomorrow 12pm Epi. The tips for chemo are great and are helping me feel less nervous. Will try visualisaation. My white cat Ivor loves me being home too and cuddles up when i feel down or unwell. Poor OH I am foul to him at the moment ! Good luck all chemo newbies this week.


I don’t start my Epi until a week Friday and am still making a list of what to get. The chemo nurse said it could cause constipation or diarrhoea, and I could use any over-the-counter remedy, though they would give me something stronger if necessary. I don’t like the sound of it being necessary! More terrified of constipation than the other as piles are dreadful. If diarrhoea was going to be the reaction, would lactulose make it even worse? Or just still prevent constipation, which dominated the whole time in hospital after my mastectomy. Will get ginger in all forms, biscuits, ale and wine, what about crystallised ginger, or ginger preserve? Ginger cake? Good thing I like it, I suppose! Good luck Sue and Rach starting yours this week, hope it is much less awful than anticipated. Hugs and strength to you both. Lyn xxx

Hi Ladies

I just had my Epi on thursday and luckily didn’t suffer either bowel prob…yahoooo well not so far. Just a bit of nausea and feeling a bit worn out but hard to tell when running around with toddler and 6yr old whether chemo or just motherhood…!!
My chemo nurse asked me what my pregnancies were like…apparently it can give an indication to how you cope with Chemo…!! Luckily mine were fab…still not counting my blessings just yet.!!

I was told to take selenuim by a breast cancer nurse but will now run that one pass my Onc…!!

Just check out that pinkish wee…dont panic !!!

Good luck…
hugs to you all

P xx