Hi there, I have not posted on the forums for a number of years (thankfully!). Just wondering if I can get some info on the usual treatment for a local recurrence. My initial diagnosis was in Jan 2009 and was treated with mastectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. Had a local recurrence a year later and had more surgery and chemo. Have been really well until December 15 when I found a new lump. This has been removed and luckily all scans are clear so is being treated as another local recurrence.
My problem is that I don’t know if I should push for more chemo again. My lovely oncologist has moved to a new job and the post is being covered by locums. The locum has said it is not necessary to have more chemo and just wants to change my medication. Obviously I would be delighted not to have to go through chemo again but am not entirely convinced about the decision and reasons for it. Wondered if others in similar situation and what treatment has been recommended for you. Many thanks in advance.