hi to anyone out there iam new to all this even though i have had breast cancer for one year know having had double mas 10 tox 25 rad know having to take 2lots of drugs each day and having to have injection every 3 months is there anyone else like this thanks julie
Hello julie
There are lots of us here just like you who are at the end of treatment and getting used to living again - with our cancer. This site has been fantastic support and I feel I’ve come to know many of the women who post here regularly. it’s a place we can talk frankly, share our worries and still have a laugh sometimes. Welcome on board!
Hello, I have to have Herceptin done every 3 weeks, I am very lucky as I get it done at home otherwise I would need to amke a 50 mile round trip every 3 weeks. I am so very grateful that my health authority has funding for this.
I went for my 3 monthly MUGA scan this morning. That’s the 3rd one so far and I don’t really mind it as I just doze off under the machine.