U/S & Mammo 2moro at 9am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi ladies, well after pestering the appointments department at my local hospital - Belfast City, i now have an appointment in the morning aaaahhh! My appointment was for the 11 June, and now i am so scared i wonder why i bothered pestering appointments everyday to get it - they must think i am a hypochondriac

Anyway went to my doctors at beginning of april with a rash on my left nipple, and my gp also diagnosed a couple of cysts/lumps,in the same breast (which i couldnt feel due to my large breasts, i can feel them now after nightly examination as i am so paranoid, the rash has gone but my areola area has changed and feels a little rough, and only a couple of weeks ago i have felt and can stil feel a swelling under my arm again on the left side. (I cannot feel a lump there though)

I was referred to the breast clinic, and the doctor said that he didnt think anything was wrong but that he would be referring me for an ultrasound and mammogram which is tomorrow.

I am scared and feel very alone,i am only 35 and a single mum, and i have a gut feeling that things wont turn out well tomorrow.

ps ladies can a doctor feel the difference between a breast lump and a cyst?

Alisara, first I know it’s no good saying don’t worry, coz that’s impossible! I know it’s such a scary time for you - are you going to clinic alone? Can be helpful to take someone with you, to remember things that you might not and to provide much-needed support. I found my lump myself and, even after mammo and ultrasound they said they couldn’t tell what it was til results of biopsies, which took 1 week. It’s such a worrying time but the best thing is that you’re being seen tomorrow and should have some answers very soon. And remember over 8 out of every 10 lumps found are innocent. Very best of luck for tomorrow and do post and let us know how things are going, you won’t find better support and comfort than on these forums, the ladies are all ‘diamonds.’ Try to sleep tonight, Pat x

Cass 141/Pat, thank you so much for your reply. Yes i am going on my own tomorrow, my mum and sister wont be coming with me, they seem quite unconcerned as i havent been seen sooner - so i feel very alone, i do not think they are uncaring, i just feel that they dont want to deal with it as,as a family we have had a traumatic year. My biggest worry is my little girl.

Anyhows, i am going to have a nice glass of wine - not a great idea i know, but if it relaxes me hey why not!

Hi Alisara

Lots of us here can really sympathise with the way you’re feeling right now - waiting for appts and/or results is enough to drive anyone demented, with all the ‘what ifs…’ that go round and round in our heads.

I was told that how a lump feels can be an indication of what it is, but it isn’t as reliable as the mammo and u/s investigations. By the way, the mammo can be an uncomfortable experience, but ultrasound is painless, if that helps at all.

This time tomorrow you’ll have a much better idea of what you’re dealing with - please come back and tell us how you get on.

Fingers crossed for you, and a big hug
Rosie x

Thank you Rosie Womble, for your kind words!

I will post back tomorrow with my results, at least this time tomorrow I hope it will all be over

Hi Alisara
Just seen your message and wish you all the best with your results. I am being treated at the Ulster Hospital at present but will be attending the City for my radiation and like yourself the only thing that keeps me focused is my little girl. If you need someone to chat to, by all means give me a shout! They have an excellent drop in centre for all your queries and support at the MacMillan group on the Lisburn road where you can have a coffee and chat to other women + pick up loads of info. Keep in touch and again best of luck with results!

Keeping everything crossed for you this morning that you get a good result!

Judy xxx

Alisara - good luck for today - will be thinking of you…


Good luck for today! Its a worrying and frightening time ,hope all goes well. love Debs xxx

Thinking of you! Best of luck and do let us know how it goes.
Josie xx

Thank you to all for all your kind wishes!

Well, I am just back home and a wee bit confused. The good news is that they said the tests were clear (had 4 FNA’s - as lump was hard to get needle into - and 1st lot of results were inconclusive.

I seen the consultant for my results, and even though i am so happy, i am a tad confused. She said that my mammo was clear, although my ultrasound did show a lump under my nipple - hence the FNA’s. She wants to see me back in the clinic again in 8 weeks time (as my nipple has changed in shape) and to take a note of any changes until the next appointment. She also said that there was a small area of thickening around my breast ducts (in same breast, so she would like me to watch and wait.

So i am clear and grateful, but on the other hand confused at the thought that i have to go through it all over again…

ps she also said that i had “debris” in the ducts???

Does anyone have a clue?

Bumping this - can anyone she some light? Please

hi alisia just wanted to wish you well for to-morrow everyone here so knows how you are feeling every-one says the same that the waiting is the worse we will all be thinking of you .please let us know how you get on big hug maud