Hi Everyone
Having just completed 3 months of chemo, I am going for a scan today to see how things are doing. (DX in March with Invasive Ductal grade 3 BC with spread to my neck lymph glands - also triple negative)
I am having a CT scan and my question is - Is this better than an ultrasound. I had expected an ultrasound as this is how things were DX in the first place. Can they measure the tumours in the same way via a CT as an ultrasound?
At the time of DX I also had a CT and bone scan but understood these showed nothing else.
Hi Linda - yes a CT scan is much better than ultrasound. Ultrasound is used because it is quick, cheap and portable. CT can be ordered at varying levels of definition, and as you have a baseline to compare against, they will be able to compare like with like.
Finty and everyone else
Do you ask any particular questions about your scan results. My mind is currently blank - other than ‘are they shrinking?’ and ‘what’s next?’
I have been very lucky with appt slots and seeing my Onc - I put this down to me going private (it was only a month before DX that my work advised they were no longer providing us with private health cover, then at the last minute agreed to extend it for a year - phew)
Good luck with your scan (and everyone elsehaving scans) - I’ll look out for your post