Unexpected Windfall

Hello. Not a huge windfall but I have a health cash plan that I use for the dentist and also glasses. I rang for a new form to claim and mentioned I had BC. The call handler then told me I could claim £10 per day for hospital treatment, including surgery and for each session of rads and chemo if needed. I won’t name the company, as I don’t want to advertise, but it may be worth checking similar plans if you have them. There is a cap of £200 per year, so not a huge windfall but it was good to get some good news for once! I have posted in Rads and Surgery also in the hope some of you may be similarly surprised. Xx

Hi Janey2, 

Thank you for sharing this information with the rest of our users. I am sure users will be along to discuss this and share their experiences soon. 

If you would like to talk any or this through of if you have any other questions about anything else you can always call our helpline on 0808 800 6000. The opening hours are below. 

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Wednesday 9am-7pm
Saturday, 9am-1pm

Best wishes, 
