Well I feel like my appointment was a joke the dr prodded both breasts a couple of times, and said there was nothing wrong, He also the lumps on my ribs are not there ! (the nurse at my GP’s spotted them when I told her I had pain in that area. As she did a proper breast exam)
He told me that any discharge was from the mastitis I had in the past, which was 8 years ago ( I breastfed another child for two years with no problems between them and now ?) and the rash from my bra rubbing (never has before and its fitted properly)
He said I need an ultra sound but there was no one to scan me today so I would have to wait for an appointment at my local hospital.
He was not interested that I’m in a lot of pain, witch is making sleeping impossible. And when I said I had lost my appetite he just said that happens as you get older, I’m 31! My mum asked why I needed an ultra sound if there was nothing wrong and he just looked at us blankly and said it will be in a little time and they will look at the address and send you to Hartlepool. I was still to shocked from the lack of a proper exam to ask any thing.
Although friendly he seemed to be totally uninterested, should I go back to my GP or just wait for the ultrasound? I don’t feel reassured at all. I think I was in shock at the time but now I cannot stop crying I feel like I’m back a square one in the waiting game.