Update on me (Lemongrove)

I hope your appointment with the Harley St Doctor goes well Lemongrove and he can tell you if it’s skull or brain mets you are dealing with. And the following Royal Marsden appointment can then sort out, asap, the best plan for treatment. Best Wishes.

Dear Lemongrove,
I do hope that the apoointment on the 8th will get you back on the right lines for diagnosis and treatment.
Srnding love and some of the positive feelings youhave radiatd my way in the past

Hi LG,
I saw your update the other day, forgot to add any thing and then it disappeared off the first few pages, as they do! Just to say that I’m glad someone is now listening to you and it will be good to see the Dr who did the original procedure on your skull. At least he will have all the info and know what was going on back then. Also hope you then get follow up advice and more importantly treatment as soon as possible - you’ve been waiting long enough for them to make decisions etc.
Do keep updating us when you can, it is useful to compare notes or even learn from everyone’s experiences and you do provide us all with a lot of info about various treatments.
Nicky x

Dear Lemongrove,
What a nightmare you face. Totally right decision to see a new Oncologist in RM.
One think I regret in this journey is that I haven’t asked to have my treatment there from the early sart. That meant a) misdiagnosed at the first staging ( spine met missed ) and later when I asked for second opinion due to back pain- sadly discovered multi bone mets- Marsden advised my ex- Oncologist for some further immaging but b) he completely ignored it and I ended up with a hip fracture and 2 liver mets from the initial one! All this because I din’t want to make a fuss… How wrong I was. At least At RM they won’t tell you they haven’t received letters from patients before as I have done it already at crucial steps of my tretaments. :wink:
Radiologists and Clinical Oncologists these days are doing so many new techniques and it is a case of find the right person for the job.
Keep strong and don’t give up. Big hugs.