So after seeing the surgeon last week I had to decide if I wanted surgery or chemo first. I thought long about this especially since I have a holiday booked months 12th June for 5 days! I saw the oncologist who told me that either surgery or chemo first wouldn’t make a lot of difference to how this was going to pan out! I spoke to my BCN afterwards and said I had already decided on surgery first, I’d have a dent in my breast but that’s superficial to what it means really. I got my date through for the 4th May! ?! I got my ct scan results back which said they had found something on my Liver, they didn’t think it looked suspicious but they couldn’t dismiss it so have had to have another MRI scan today. Went okay considering I’m slight claustrophobic! Hopefully results will be back before my surgery. I’ve spoken to my surgeon who said that I will be able to have slight reconstruction on my breast if i wanted to later.on which is one of the questions asked! I have to attend the clinic next week to have a needle into my nipple for the solution to set in… I scared of the surgery but I glad that it’s happening soon x
Don’t worry about the surgery - you are asleep all through it and they give you painkillers after. Make sure you take the pain killers at least for the first couple of days. What happens is that they put local anaesthetic in where they cut and when you come round you feel woozy but nothing hurts. BUT when the local wears off it starts to throb and the trick is to have tablets already in your system that way it is a smooth transition. If you refuse them because you feel ok then the local wears off it hurts and any tablet takes a while to kick in.
I only took pain killers for a couple of days.
I had surgery first, then chemo, then rads and I am still on Herceptin. The chemo is not as bad as you think it is going to be but join the monthly thread so you can get and give support. You will come through it all xxx
Hi Queenbee ,glad you have made a decision you are happy with .Ive spoken to quite a few ladies who have had queries re liver post CT scan and generally this has turned out to be cysts or other benign conditions nothing to worry about .