upsetting day

Today I saw the breast assesment centre,left there not knowing what to think. I was sent last week by my gp. The drive is over 2 hours one way and felt like I have never wated my time more. They were suppose to check both breats as there is 2 nodules in left breast and 3 in the right. Also I have a large indent in the tissue to the chest wall (about three finger tips long). All I had done was a mammo on the right breast and the nurse said the indent probably would not show on the mammo. The the doctor did a quick altrasound, and I mean quick. He barley held the altrasound thing on the top part of the right breast and said, well I am all done. I asked if everything was good he said I think because you are only 27 and breast feed your kids, your chances of anything serious is low. I told him I have had dark discharge from the right breast twice. He said he is not going to bother with the dye injection in the ducts, because I had no discharge this morning.
I told him I was really upset as to why my breast has separated down to the chest wall. His comment “THAT IS WEIRED”. That was his exact words. He then proceeded to say they could do a MRI, but maybe another time. He said to tell my doc. to keep an Eye on the indent, or as he say’s the Weired indent. He never even as much as layed a finger on me. No breast exam, never touched me or felt the indent. I am not sure what else I can do . My reffering doc. was very alarmed
by the tissue missing and sent me right away. What can I do??
Sorry it is so long , just needed to vent


Dear Chantel,i’m sorry you’ve had such a bad day.The doctor at the hospital sounds like a moron.If i were you i would go back to your g.p for another appointment.Tell them exactly what happened and that you are very worried.Make a complaint.I would.Try not to worry but phone the g.p tomorrow.Good luck and lots of love x

Dear Chantel - It sounds as though you have been really bad let down during this visit, and no wonder you have come away feeling concerned. Do please phone your GP tomorrow and tell him/her just what you have told us. To have not even done a breast exam sounds totally negligent. Don’t let this go Chantel, and I’m sure your GP won’t be happy either. You could phone the BCC helpline tomorrow and talk about this with one of the experts there - I’m sure they’ll advise you on what to do next. Let us know how you get on. Good luck.

Thanks so much for your kind words. I really needed them. I made a appoinetment with my gp for tommorow. I have tried the bcc helpline and all I get is the phone company aking if I would like to make a collect call!! I have checked several times and I am dialing the right number. I live in canada does that make a difference??

Thanks so much again,
Best wishes, Chantel

Chantel - I live in Australia at the moment and once tried to call the BCC helpline from here, but found out that you can only do this from UK, so you may not have any success. (Please correct me if I’m wrong moderator!). But I’m sure you could e-mail them, or perhaps you have a similar organisation in Canada? Glad that you are going back to see your GP, and please let us know the outcome. I am sure you feel upset - but this WILL get resolved, all of us here understand how important it is for you to have peace of mind and to really KNOW there is nothing wrong because a proper examination has been carried out, rather than being told all is OK but you don’t feel that you have been thoroughly checked. Thinking of you. Sarah.

Hi Chantel

Please feel free to call the helpline for a chat to one of our team, although diagnostic/treatment plans are often different they can offer a ‘listening ear’, it may help to talk your worries through with someone in confidence. The line is open tomorrow 9am-5pm the overseas number for helpline is (+44)2076200077.

Best wishes