urgent breast clinic referral - trying not to worry!

QPR1111, I have popped in here from Amazing August group, we are all starting our chemo in Ausust. come along and join our group if you havent done so. I am only 45 and a lot of us are in our 30’s and 40’s and we are helping each other along the way. Be good to see you there xxx

Hi Roisdara & beebee - I am in a similar position to you both. Found a lump on Friday and have been to my GP this morning & been referred to the breast clinic so I’m just waiting now too. Can’t stop worrying. I have two children age 4 & 2 so of course I worry for them but also they are keeping me busy to take my mind off of worrying!
Can I ask have either of you told your families / friends about your referral? I haven’t told anyone yet (apart from on here!), I don’t want to worry my husband or my mum until I know what is happening, do you think I should tell them or wait? Would be interested to know what you have done, I’m in two minds - don’t want to worry them but also don’t want to hide things from them.
Hope we can all support each other during this wait for out appointments & fingers crossed for us all x

Hi Beebee and Alicat, I am so sorry that you are both going through this turmoil also. It really sucks!! :frowning:
I haven’t had a clinic date through yet Beebee. I called the unit today and the receptionist informed me that the consultants look at the referrals each Wednesday and then decide whether or not it is urgent - regardless if Dr fast tracked or not! How awful, that really upset me. I was told to call them back on Thursday to see what’s happening. Hopefully I won’t have wait longer than 2 weeks :-/
Alicat, I told my husband first as I got him to feel the lump in case I was imagining it! I don’t think I could have kept it from him. The kids have no idea. I told my mum as I knew she could tell me more info on family history - my aunt had a mastectomy last year. I am close to my family and they will have to care for kids whilst I travel 80 miles to clinic. My husband is coming with me. I can’t tell you what to do but I do know that having support and care has made all the difference to me. I know my husband would be upset if I kept this from him. Do you have someone in mind to go to clinic with you? I really don’t think it’s a good idea to go alone.
Here’s hoping that we all get the appointment and waiting over soon, and either face what’s ahead or move on. I am happy to chat anytime by message :slight_smile:
Big hugs xxxx

Hi Alicat,

I kept my husband in the loop from the very start. He has been to every appointment with me (and there have been many of those since diagnosis in December 2012) and has been right through all my treatments with me. I am 100% certain he would have been even more devastated if I had left him out, and I couldn’t have got so far without him. Imagine if the worst comes to the worst and you have to tell him at that stage - it will be far more difficult for you both.

In my opinion, children and parents are different and it may be better to leave them until you know what you are dealing with.

Good luck, and hopefully it will be nothing sinister. xxx

Hi Alicat, like Lola my husband was in the loop from the very start and has been my rock throughout. Adult daughters were told when I got my biopsy results. My very elderly parents I didn’t tell until after my surgery and I had my results and treatment plan as my Dad can worry for England. Each family is different and really only you can decide when will be the most appropriate time for each of them to told. Good luck with your appointment, hopefully you won’t be joining our club. Pat x

Thank you everybody for your advice which I took & told my husband last night. I hated telling him as I remember how worried he was about me the last time we went through this. I guess I was just trying to protect him as he is going through redundancy at the moment & I didn’t want to add to his worries. I’m glad I have told him though & he said he was glad I didn’t keep it from him. I won’t tell any others at the moment until I’ve been to the clinic though, I hate lying to my Mum (we are very close) but she is a worrier & that will rub off on me so think its best to wait.
Hope you get your appointment through soon Roisdara, fingers crossed you will hear later in the week then. Keep me posted & I will let you know when I get mine through too. Thank you for the offer of messaging - same to you if you need someone to chat to. x

Hi Roisdara- more waiting for you- it sucks- every day seems like a week. Just keep chasing it up but hopefully you wont have to wait too much longer. For my breast clinic appointment I have been referred to a hospital miles away even though the hospital round the corner has a breast clinic. I was told there is a backlog of people waiting so they are utilising other hospitals and running clinics into the evenings. Made me realise that there are so many people in our situation all waiting waiting waiting!
Alicat- really pleased you have told your husband, it must be a relief for you. The only person I have told is my husband although I kept it really low key and told him I really don’t think it’s anything sinister but better just check it out. So he has no idea what’s going through my head and how worried I am! I don’t want to worry him until there is something to actually worry about! I have a nipple that has become inverted- I think if I’d found a lump he may have taken it more seriously. And I guess due to the fact I haven’t found a lump I am over-reacting considerably anyway!

Hi Beebee, I don’t think you’re overreacting at all. Any change should be investigated. I was in complete denial for ages, I had pushed the lump I found to the back of my mind. I regret that now as the worry has grown out of control - probably over nothing!

Alicat, I’m glad that you confided in your husband so he can support you. Here’s hoping for us all xxx

Beebee just got my appointment, it’s for 7th August also at 1.45,( you’re not in N.I. are you?) let’s hold each other’s hand virtually and hope it’s all fine :slight_smile: x

Pleased you got your date through at last! It’s under a week now to wait until the 7th- my appointment isn’t until 5.30 as they are doing evening clinics- I’m in Wales. Will be thinking of you during the wait and fingers crossed.
Alicat- have you heard about your appointment yet?

I have just got my appointment through today too - 6th August in the morning. So glad its not too much longer to wait! I’m pleased yours are both soon too, just got to get through the next 5/6 days now. My letter says its a 1-2 week wait for results, I’m not looking forward to that bit much! Do they not give you any indication on the day?? x

Great news on getting the date- that’s one step completed! I think different clinics work differently from what I’ve gathered, some give results on the day, others have you return later for results. It’s all new to me too! xx

Well ladies, it seems we’ll all know soon what is going on with us. I just hope it’s good outcomes for us all. Alicat, like Beebee said all clinics are different. If it’s a ‘one stop clinic’ then I think you do get some indication but if it’s a mammogram alone then I think there may be a wait. I think it’s good to ask questions or get your partner to. If you ask then you may be told something. I just haven’t a clue what to expect. I keep feeling my lump as my period has just gone, in the hope it would magically disappear. No such luck! :-/ Hang in there girls xx

I also have had the support of my husband every step of the way we are dreading tomorrow my post op results day ,but we will get through it together.

Avonlady, so sorry you are waiting too too, and that you are further along the road with a diagnosis. There seems to be much waiting every step of the way. I wish you well and sending healing thoughts your way. Roisin xx

Hi everyone, well I had my appointment yesterday. The surgeon had absolutely no bedside manner at all!! On examination he said it was nothing to worry about, probably a cyst. Called in for mammograms, then called back for more images. I was then called for my ultrasound, the radiologist said it looked like a Fibroadenema. He then proceeded to take 4 guided core biopsies - just in case it was a Pollyodes Tumour. Totally unimpressive treatment, I thought. I was given the number for a breast care nurse to get my biopsy results! Has anyone got results over the phone before. The biopsy hurt alot and was sick last night - not sure if it’s nerves or side effect from anaesthetic. Whilst I am of course very relieved, and feeling guilty that my problems are so small in comparison to many of you; I would have appreciated a less business like approach at the clinic!! Thanks to all of you for your support and kind words xxx

Hi Roisdara, sorry to hear your hospital experience was a bad one. Hopefully your biopsy results will be negative and you can move on. It does not matter at what level your breast lump presents itself as the stress is the same no matter whether it proves not to be cancer. Trouble is a lot of surgeons are just too busy and just see your condition rather than the person and having some understanding what the woman in most cases is going through. I was lucky I think as had female surgeon and female Oncologist who were sympathetic.
The breast care nurse is not just there for giving you your results but to talk to. I would phone her today and tell,how the experience was for you and how you are feeling. I am sure you will get a sympathetic ear. Mine phoned me the day after so she might do that but I would call her later if she has not.
Be assured despite the ‘bedside manner’ it sounds like they gave you a through examination and did biopsies so hopefully it will be ok and life can return to normal for you and your family.
Stress will make everything seem out of proportion also so just rest today as you need to recover as your body needs to recover. Take care and let us know the outcome of your biopsies. Katy.

Thanks so much Katy, I might just give her a call later :slight_smile: She seemed very nice when I met her yesterday. There was another female surgeon and I was hoping to get her, alas I think I got the triage type surgeon! :wink: Just noticed my spelling of Phyllodes Tumour, lol :slight_smile: They said they would remove it whatever it was as it’s quite large at 24x32mm!!

Hi Roisin, sounds like you had quite a day of it yesterday! Hope you feeling better this morning? I was in and out in 10 mins- but kind of know what you mean about the bedside manner. I felt like I was being pushed out the door before I’d hardly gone in. Sounds like good news for you too which is such great news! Although I guess the waiting continues until all is confirmed with results. Must be bit scary knowing that they are going to take it out but also a relief to know it will then be gone. Keep us informed. I would definately call the breast care nurse- check with her about how you will get the biopsy results. Take it easy today xxx