Know that its not recommended to use any hair products on new growing hair but when has anyone used hair gel and is so what type. Went in to see my hairdresser today to make appointment to get the hair on my neck and the wispy bits trimmed. She suggested that she used some products to style my hair to make it look as if I have a very short fringe.
Anyone any suggestions?
I didn’t know you couldn’t use products on new hair and used styling gel when mine started coming back in all sorts of directions.
I think it’s just chemical dyes that are not recommended, because you may have traces of chemo chemicals in your hair and you don’t know how your hair will react. On the advice of other ladies on here, I’m dying mine with vegetable dye (nutritint) from health food shops. Or you can use henna. I’m sure gels etc are fine.
Mine is growing thick and fast now - it’s v curly and I’m thinking about growing it out of its curly crop, but dreading the in-between stage before gravity takes over and it starts to lie down!
Congrats on getting yours back - it will soon thicken up and grows fast once it starts.
Got fed up with my mousey hair and went and put blond streaks in - nothing terrible happened and I feel TONS better! Zoe xx
Hi there
Zoe how long did you wait before getting it highlighted?
I used gel pretty much straight away cos I couldn’t stand it otherwise. Had some lo-lights in after 6 months and everything fine. Now use mousse and wax every day and no probs at all [still don’t like my hair though LOL!!]