Vaginal Bleeding

Vaginal Bleeding

Vaginal Bleeding Hi

Just wondered if any of you have had vaginal bleeding after going through a chemo induced menopause.

I was diagnosed at 45 haven’t had a period for 2 years 3 months untill the end of last month when I had very slight bleeding (not enough to wear protection, but there when you wipe yourself) blood test confirms still definitely menopausal so have been referred for ultrasound because of taking tamoxifen.

Would like to know about anybody else’s experiences because i will be worried now untill have scan!!!

Love Lesley

Me too! Hello Lesley

I am 43 and until January I hadn’t had a period for 15 months (during chemo, rads, op etc). I had been told that I was menopausal and was therefore quite shocked when I had a period in January. I also take Tamoxifen (since July 2006). As a rsult of the period in Jan (which was absolutely huge) I was admitted to hospital and had an ultrasound scan which they followed up two weeks later with a hysteroscopy. Thankfully all was clear but it knocked me sideways for a while as it was back to playing the dreaded waiting game all over again.

They seem to think that my body may just be trying to ‘get back to normal’ and I think they may be right as I have had another bleed since January, but once again it was huge.

I am sure you will be ok, as I understand that even if we are in the menopause, you can still have some bleeding as it takes a while for the body to sort itself out?

I sincerely wish you all the best - I am sure you will be fine - but please keep us posted.

I shall be thinking of you during this stressful time (again - as if we need even more stress eh)

Take care - thinking of you

Hi Lesley --presumably they wont switch you back to tamoxifen if bloods suggest your’re menopausal?-just wondering & dont forget to let mr know when you get your scan date. Thinking of you…
Love cherryx

Thanks Hi Fi

Thanks for replying to my post. I have the date for my scan which is the 22nd March.

My gut feeling is that it will be fine because it followed the usual pattern of a period for me although very, very light. But I will be glad when its over and done with. I hate tests of any kind, even routine blood tests at pre-op assessments can have me stressed out!!!

I will let you no how it goes, hope you have a lovely weekend.

Love Lesley x

Hi Cherry Hi Cherry

The impression I got from the registrar was that I’m definitely menopausal and will not be switching drugs and the scan is just to make sure nothing sinister is lurking but the ‘period’ was just a blip.

Hope so just want to get on with things, so i’m trying not to think about it, working on the premise if they were really worried about me they wouldn’t leave it that long to investigate!!

Went to see my surgeon on Thursday for routine follow up after nipple recon 6 weeks ago, he said everything was fine but just wanted me to have an ultrasound because he thought there might be a little build up of fluid to be drained, so fine went along won’t bore you with all the details but had an agonising wait because the radiographer found ‘something’ and just needed to get the Dr to check thankfully it is a little cyst and nothing to worry about.

So really want to get ultrasound over with so I can enjoy Easter, I’m going to Leeds to spend it with my sister’s so really looking forward to that, might indulge in a little retail therapy!!!

Hope you are feeling well and recovering ok, have a lovely weekend.

Love Lesley xx

Hi there Lesley Dosen’t it drive you mad all the dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s. I swear the stress and strain of “tests” will finish me off before the BC does! I think my last mammo showed some cysts -this was a surprise to me because although my left breast (affected one) had always been “lumpy” in comparison to the right -I never thought i’d had any problems with benign breast problems.

Well I’m fully mobile now ( not that you would have noticed too much of a difference as far as my family are concerned), the house is empty at the moment, it’s sunny and warm.i have a cup of tea and there is a fox sitting under the tree at the top of the garden -think i’ll go out and join him!-not sure he’ll hang around though!
In case I forget, have a nice cup of coffee for me in Harvey Nics!
Love Cherryx

Hi Fi Hi Fi

Just to let you no I had my pelvic ultrsound last night and everything looks fine thank you so much for your reply and good wishes, it really did help me a lot, hope you have a lovely weekend.

Love Lesley xx