Verdict on Southampton
Verdict on Southampton Hello everyone hope you are all havind a good day. Would like to ask any ladies on this site that live in the Southampton area if the standard of care for breast cancer is good ie, hospitals, chemo staff, breast care nurses etc.
I live on the North easr coast at the moment, i was diagnosed with breast cancer last August 2005 had a WLE and have felt very well (touch wood) have my first follow up the middle of this month, i am of course hoping like we all do that i never have to go down that Sh*tty road again of having breast cancer, i hope all i ever need is routine checks with nowt wrong(don’t we all).
The thing is my partner of 18 years has the chance of a transfere to the Southampton area we have been very happy in the seaside town where we live i just feel that after my life changing event last year i feel like a fresh start, meeting new people etc, i have quite a few pals in London that i would get to see more, ohhh the decision is mine and i do not know what to do, if this breast thing had not happened i think i would not hesitate. My partner is easy going laid back so will be happy whatever i decide, why is life never easy, Any feed back would be much appreciated thanks alot x Kippy.
I’ve been treated at Southampton since April 05 and I like all the onc consultants and the rads people were brill and so were the surgeons. If they are concerned they will act and take your concerns seriously and quickly. Yesterday, as my hip problem was still not resolved I had an immediate xray and an immediate ultrasound for a new lump so they are quick off the ball so to speak. I also got my herceptin last year with no probs.
Saying that though I think it is a hard choice to make and I know I wouldn’t want to change my team as I’ve known them so long. It just gives me confidence that they know what I’m like and all my quirks!!
Personally, I would make your decision on everything not just the cancercare side.
My husband comes from the Teeside area (the family kept moving around so can’t remember any place tonight) and has lived down here for 20 years now. I’ve lived here for 9 yrs from Kent and london and have found people friendly. It has its drawbacks of course but so does everywhere and it depends whereabouts in this area you are going to live. There are several different PCTs and they all have slightly different priorities so that can be a problem for some people I believe.
Good luck with your decision
Hi Kippy,
I’m quite new to all this but have been very impressed with the care and treatment at Southampton.
I live further away, in the New Forest, so the only drawback is the travelling but we live in a beautiful area and I wouldn’t want to swap that.
Today is one month after diagnosis (which was one week after 1st appointment), my op was 3 weeks ago this coming Monday and I had my first meeting with the oncologist on Wednesday. Chemo starts in 2 weeks. All pretty quick.
Everyone we’ve met, from the consultant/surgeon, to the breast care nurses, to the district nurse who’s still calling, has been kind, caring and efficient
Of course if you do decide to move you might have to put up with meeting me and/or Kate (we haven’t met yet) which could put you off!
I agree with Kate, try and make your decision on all the other factors, not easy I know, but people are quite nice round here:).
I have been treated in Southampton since August 2001. I can truthfully say I have nothing but praise for the treatment in that time, there hasnt been a single negative aspect, I too would hate to leave the team at the Royal South Hants hospital, so if you do eventually move down here you have no worries on that score!
Southampton history nice place thanks girls for filling me in on Southampton and area. I have thought long and hard over the weekend and have decided the timing would be wrong to make a move at the moment, i am just coming up to one year post op so i reckon the sensible thing to do would be to stay with the hospital team i have at the moment and see what happens in the future, i am glad all you ladies get such good treatment down there in Southampton, i cannot believe how bad patients get treated in some area’s. There will be other oppotunities for my partner to move down to S/hampton, As we do not know the area very well we looked on the internet and liked the look of Warsash whatever we would have to live next to the water, anyway if we ever decide to move we would come down and stay for a week and sus everything out. Thanks for all your replies, and i hope your treatment goes well Diane love to all Kippy.