Vinorelbine (navelbine0

My hair appears to be coming out. It’s mostly the grey whispy bits that had grown back after FEC. My eyebrows have thinned also. Anybody else had this?


Hi Cromercrab,

I’ve just finished cycle 2 of Vino & haven’t noticed any hair or eyebrow thinning. I was really hoping I would not lose my hair on this one as it’s just coming back after Taxol & i’m really pleased with how my eyelashes & brows look at mo!
Hopefully it is just a little bit of thinning for you & will calm down shortly. Hope your tiredness has improved. I’m just suffering from my normal ‘chemo fog’ today!

Take care,
Dugsy x

I have had a long sleep after taking my tablets. Haven’t been sick…yet which is an improvement on last cycle. I am going to shuffle back to bed in a few moments having taken all my meds.
X Sarah

Slept long long time and woke this morning to feeling generally ok. Haven’t really done anything. So relieved not to have been sick but I do get tummy cramps which seem to have gone now. Pharmacist has given me some special meds for constipation, I take two morning and night for two days after dose. We will see how that works. They are the same as they give you after FEC. I tend to go off my food a bit but have had a smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwich today which will be followed by a kebab later so that’s a huge improvement on last cycle. I hope I am not boring people with my endless list of SEs and hope it doesn’t come across as whinging. It’s just nice to know that one is not alone.
Hope you are well dugsy

X sarah

Hi all

Sorry been a bit hectic. Had a good Easter. Went to Titanic the musical at the Minack Theatre on Easter Sunday. Its an open air theatre right by the sea and built into the cliffside so you can imagine - special effects like no other for this show!!! Took two flasks of coffee, lots of sandwiches and hot cross buns!! Wore thermals, thick coat and hat and gloves - warm as toast!! We’ve been there many times so well prepared.

Cromercrab - Hope you are feeling rested and chilled - yes I agree appts and treatment are sometimes endless! I’ve been to hosp 3 days running this week. Clinic tues, Echogram Weds. herceptin and vino yesterday. Still week off next week. I had a bit of hair thinning when I first started but seems to have settled down now with the reduced dose. I still dye my hair too,tho not recommended apparently.

Dugsy - Mouth ulcers/toothache stopped and healed after about 10days and difflam played an important part!!! I now make sure I’ve always got an extra bottle to hand. They are pretty good at my chemo unit with giving any meds required out. Started my trial tabs 7 days ago and also a daily diary re SEs. Vino yesterday so I fully expect the cramps to return and poss mouth ulcers especially after a few weeks. I do think it’s the vino so hopefully I’ll have proof!!! before that tho gonna enjoy my 2 weeks of except for the tabs which I don’t think cause me hassle.

Am feeling fine at the moment and haven’t even had to take anti-sickness,just shows what a break can do!!

All the best to all vino ladies

fudgy xxx

Good afternoon

Finally feel almost normal today. Appetite nearly back and have a lot more energy.
Fudgy, your musical sounded excellent. Wish I could have been there. I swear by difflam too. It’s pretty good stuff. My teeth itch a few days after the dose and it really calms it down.

X Sarah

Chemo delayed again. Waiting to see onc next week. Hoping he will reduce the dose. Hair still falling out. I told onc dose too high but he thought it was fine. My pharmacist reckons it’s too high a dose. Calculated on body surface area, but the logic is that if I have lost weight then body surface will be less! Grrrrrr.
Hope everyone else is ok

X Sarah

Hi Sarah

How can you carry on with vino if you keep getting these side effects and it keeps getting delayed. My dose was reduced once SEs became troublesome, I think initial dose is calculated by weight etc. but apparently they very often give you a the highest dose so there is an option to reduce. I asked about weight loss (not that I have, probably the only person that should poss go on a diet while on chemo)and was told it would have to be quite drastic to change. However my tongue ulcers etc were level 3 so after a weeks delay they reduced the dose. Do you know what dosage you are on?

I’m having a chemo/herceptin free week. Also had my appt. thro for my nipple recon, 21st May. so I suspect I’ll have a break that week too.

Hope you are eating better and getting energy back. I went for a group 8.5 mile walk today. Last night was at my daughters fundraiser for her theatre company and was busy during the day helping out and putting finishing touches to a cake I made for the raffle. This is why I’ve had a free week. Sometimes other things have to come before chemo!!! Some may not agree but I think you need to try and tailor treatment to fit in with your life coz I aint tailoring my life round treatment for this s****y disease! Keep making your voice heard, they certainly get fed up with mine!!


Hi fudgy
I took my dose Saturday , only a delay of two days. Onc was contacted and he said to take it and not reduce dose. I am on the highest dose of course! So, I waited for the tiredness to begin…and it didn’t. Appetite fine, was out and about yesterday and today. I think the change in anti emetic helped. Perhaps I had a lurgy earlier last week. Who knows. I have more energy today and feel ok. I shall be tired tonight but happier than I’ve been for a few weeks. Out and about again tomorrow and have a massage booked in the afternoon.

X Sarah

Hi Sarah

Hope you carry on feeling well, it does make all the difference doesn’t it. I went to nurse at docs this morning to have bloods taken ready for Thurs morning. I arranged it so I’m there for a shorter time otherwise it can mean an extra couple of hours in the chemo unit! Wish I could have tabs, did ask but trial is with IV. Enjoy your massage tomorrow,

Fudgy xxx

Thanks fudgy.
I had a lie in this morning. The builders couldn’t work cos of the rain so I slumbered on til 10.30 ish. Looking forward to my rub down. Oh is home poorly so I’m just off to make him some pasta