Does anyone have experience of the tablet form - as opposed to the IV Vinorelbine?
My Mum is to start the tablet version next week (day 1 & day 8)
Her oncologist is really playing down the side effects but since she had quite a tough time on Capecitabine (managed only 2 courses) I am nervous for her.
She is only 61 but has ER+ breast cancer with secondaries in lymph, spine, lung & liver - she is in bed most of the day & while she can walk around easily stairs are tough. On a good note she is not in too much pain & in good spirits.
However I really don’t want her to be mislead into thinking that Vinorelbine is going to be a ‘walk in the park’ - Thank you & best wishes to you all!
Hi there,
We all respond differently to chemos. Just because you suffer nasty side effects on one, doesn’t necessarily mean you will suffer nasty side effects on all of them. I know of some women who have considered vinorelbine ‘a walk in the park’ and others who have had a difficult time with it. I hope your mum falls into the first category and has great results from it.
I have done 6 cycles of oral Vinorelbine and the side-effects have not been bad at all. I found capecitabine much much harder, although I was having it with epiribicin and cisplatin so it’s difficult to apportion the side-effects between drugs. On the other hand, I started the capecitabine with very few symptoms (I had only just been diagnosed metastatic) whereas I started the vinorelbine already pretty worn down from 6 months of Taxol and a series of stent problems including severe jaundice.
Hi Jenny & Potentilla,
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences.
I ask & ask & ask & it is always this website that provides the most help; thank youuuu.
I hope you are both doing well,
best wishes & cyber hugs