Hi all Been to breast clinic this morning had scan and all clear but cus of size differences in breast they wanted a doctor to have a feel which said seemed fine but still wanted to take biopsy so have to wait a week for results and any one else had this? Even know they said they think everything is ok I still know there is a massive difference In my breast so just wondering what could be going on xtashx
Hi Mummytash
Gosh, the waiting, it is agonising isn’t it?
Is this purely because of a difference in the size of your breasts?
I can understand the wait, I am approaching my second weekend of the waiting game.
Hi sommer43 thank you for ur reply I believe so I don’t know what’s going on really does the biopsy only rule out breast clinic or does it anything else? and yes the waiting is terrible xtashax
Also r u waiting on biopsy results and did they tell u what they thought it was? X
Hi mummytash,
I was waiting on biopsy results, I have just called the BCN to see if they were in. They were and it has been confirmned, it is a fibroadenoma. I have been listed for a removal now, at my own behest because of my age and it was recommended by the BCN to have it removed.
Have you had an FNA?
I had an FNA, inconclusive as not enough cells were taken.
I had my biopsy last Friday, my appointment for clinic is on Monday to discuss my options for removal.
Why were you referred to clinic? The results of a biopsy do take a week or so. Has your biopsy been booked?
Sorry what’s fibroadenoma ? No I just had a scan and biopsy the fine needle one today x
Oh and sorry was refered as right breast has suddenly gone really big and feels really thick inside and gp said I had a lump x
Right, so you’re waiting for the results on your fine needle aspiration? You had an ultrasound, and the ultrasound radiologist used the screen to guide the needle in? If it didn’t collapse on aspiration, then not a cyst?
If they request a biopsy, it will be done after the results of the needle biopsy.
A fibroadenoma is a mass that is benign. Common in women of child bearing age, linked to hormones.
That’s what my lump is.
No lol I had a scan where it like the one when ur pregnant but they put it Over the breast and then after seeing the doctor she wanted another doctor to check me as even though nothing on scan there is a change in breast so she checked and then they put a needle in the breast and took samples sorry I’m rubbish at explaining things x
Oh don’t be sorry, yes, the ultrasound is the same procedure we women have when we are pregnant. This is what I had with the needle.
So now you have to wait for your results to see what the needle aspiration comes back with.
Yep another 7 days of waiting around x
It is very easy to say, but try not to worry too much, the outcome will not change due to the amount of worry you do!
Remember. around 80% of lumps are benign, if not more…
It has taken me a whole month to get to where I am now, from being referred and you think you will not get through, but trust me, you do!
Thank sommer43 u have really helped me out today x