Waiting for results of core biopsies - Calcification???

Hi Shelagh not sure if i aqm coming to terms witht eh shock really, just being brave, tomorrow will be crunch day when i get my biopsy results and also surgery chat. aarrggghhh Isee the comnsutant and the rest of the team at 2pm just wish it was 9am to get it over with.

Thanks for all the support and io do hope the chemo stays manageable for you.


Hi Dulcie

Sorry I haven’t been on line for a few day and able to answer your post

I had DCIS some years ago and had a wide local excision and radiotherapy. Last year following a routine mammogram there were calicifcations in the same breast, a core biopsy confirmed that it was DCIS again and the only option was for a mastectomy. I had this last year with a sentinel node biopsy and immediate DIEP reconstruction. The DCIS was widespread but the lymph nodes were clear and so the mastectomy was the right course of action. I have had the nipple reconstructed and over the next month or so will have it tattooed.

I wanted to get all the surgery over in one go and you can have a skinsaving mastectomy if you have an immediate recon. It took about three months after the op to get back to normal.

I will be thinking of you tomorrow - you are going to have a long morning.

Take care

Thinking of you today Dulcie

  • I do hope that everything is clear and that you don’t have to endure another barrage of tests and waiting…

I’m still waiting - my hair is beginning to shed. I was most suprised that I didn’t feel dread and dispair - just a mild thrill, like remembering that Christmas is a month away…

Td xx

Wow waiting angel.thanks for thinking of me and i’m sending love right back at you.

They have said my biopsies are benign and 4 radilogists agree on this. calcifications and adenomas

I should be over the moon but i am just confused and not sure if i can belive or trust this, as the bc nurse said even if non show up we will still operate because with DCIS u can often biopsy heathy tissue because of the spread of the calcs (like paint spray) Doc said we’ll call u back in 6 months and if all still clear sign you off.

why would 4 radiologists look at the histology?

Thos must be bloody annoying when u actually do have cancer, last week they told me i had cancer or DCIS this week I’m benign.

Dazed and confused…

Any thoughts anyone?

Love and good karma to everyone dealing with this bl*ody thing.


Goodness - what a lovely suprise. I can understand why you are so confused though - you has already been told that you had DCIS but it seems that you haven’t. The pattern of calcifications must have been very suggestive of DCIS - to the extent that your consultant actually thought you had it. The core biopsy would normally have confirmed this - but for you only healthy tissue has shown. With such a large affected area they can’t have ‘missed’ - they look at the samples during the biopsy itself to ensure that they have sampled the correct area; you must believe that this is correct!

Did you get a copy of the path report? You can get one from your breast care nurse - you could go to see her again to go over the report and graaab a copy whilst you’re at it.

Keep in touch, and keep on singing!!

Big love Td xxx

Hi Td

oh good idea i never thought of that. I will make an appointment to see her and ask her to bring the report. The doc showed it me and it said calcification, and adenoma - non malignant. I should be delighted and when i get over the shock no doubt i will be. I just had everyting organoised to go in for the mastecomy they expected me to have.

Now I feel guilty for not having it but I have to say a HUGE thankyou for keeping me sane(ish) and sharing your positivity along with your journey.

Bizarrely what i have learned is that you can get used to what was previously unimaginable with support good humour and grace.

when i finally believe that i donbt have cancer one thing i know is thati will be fundraising for this amazing website which i think is bl*ody amazing.

I am a professional communications skills trainer (hehe you wouldnt know it from my posts) so any ideas for fundraising I could do?

Big love

Hi Dulcie,

I’m sooooooooooo pleased it was a negative result for you. Great to hear some good news for a change!

Shelagh xxx

Thanks so much Shelagh - and i am sending out positive vibrations for everyone on here xxxxxxxxxx

Hi Dulcie!

fundraising idea - esp if you have a team who can organise it (no charge, goodwill etc) - how about a training day for anyone involved in cancer services entitled’ How to talk to people with cancer’ - because a lot of the time this just doesn’t happen! As with any vourse aimed at h/c professionals, you could charge loads of money ( most of them come in at around £150 - £200 for a day) facilitate it free of charge and get in other speakers to run it along with yourself… each nurse certainly has to keep updated and it would be useful for any new doctors etc … quite an undertaking I guess - I’ve done it for a fundraiser for another organisation and it was a big team effort, but as a one off event it would certainlly raise shed loads of money, and it is right up your street!

Or on a smaller scale, run a Breast Cancer Awareness party for all the women you know - i did this one before my mastectomy, got everyone to decorate their bosom area (bras, t-shirts etc) and bring food and we had a huge garden party and raised £1,000… all by gift from attendees…and had great fun. This site’s fundraising dept give you literature ,baloons, banners etc…

Good luck!!
Td xx