Waiting for treatment, 11 days to go....pre-assessment on Friday!



I have 11 days until my lumpectomy and pre-assessment this coming Friday.  Most days I am managing to stay optimistic and my busy job helps to take my mind off of the dreaded bc.  However, come the weekend I struggle and this weekend hasnt been any better.  Yesterday evening I ached all over, especially my legs and this morning my shoulders and back ache too.  I dont know what other symptoms I should expect at this stage.   I understand that some of my symptoms are probably psychosomatic.   I would be interested to hear if other are waiting for surgery and have any symptoms other than breast pain.  


Also what can I expect from the pre-assessment on Friday, will I have any scans, blood tests.  How long will i be at the hospital??


Once again, thank you all for your help and support, so glad I found this forum!




Hi Sandra,


The week leading up to my op I had a terrible cough and felt really rotten. I’m sure all the stress and shock affected my immune system. Luckily it wasn’t bad enough to delay the op but at one point I was worried.


My pre-op check took a bit over an hour. First I saw a nurse who did blood pressure, mrsa swab and blood test. Then I was sent for an ecg - the walk to the heart dept took longer than the test. Then I saw a doctor who did a few basic checks and took me through the consent form. All pretty straightforward. 


Hope it goes OK for you and that you feel better soon.

Hi Sandra,


Glad you’re feeling better.


I’m now 3 weeks post op and would be feeling OK except that the cough has returned! Not good for sleep and the scar twinges every time I cough.


But I had good news today - no need for chemo, so I’m feeling really happy.


Best wishes for your op.

