Hi everybody I am new to this site but have been reading your threads for a couple of weeks. I would like to ask is it common after chemo to have to wait six weeks before you can find out what the next step is for you. I had my last Chemo (6 of them) 11 Nov 07 ct scan mammogram/ultrasound scan done 28 Dec don’t see my onc till 22 Jan as you can imagine the mind is working overtime as to what the outcome will be. Would be glad of any input
I had my last lot of chemo on 30th October and a mastectomy 3 weeks later (21st Nov) and I am starting radiotherapy this coming Wed. Have you had an operation? Are you waiting to start radiotherapy? Not sure what treatment you’ve had so far.
I finished my chemo on 21 Nov and was not due to see onc til 19 Dec, but I rang his office and told them I was not happy waiting that long and then had my ct scan organised for 3 Dec and saw him on 5 Dec and then managed to start my herceptin on 20 Dec so only 4 weeks inbetween treatments. Just realised now that it is Tues you will see your onc, so no point trying to get earlier appoint but if happens again would def. do so.