Waiting to start Chemo

Hi all, Good news, today I have met my oncologist first time and all my c.t and bone scan are clear , Monday starting FEC , I am having my treatments in Charing Cross in Fulham Palace road, any of you had treatments in this hospital?

I am not looking forward to Monday, I hope it will be a long weekend for me… :slight_smile:


Hi, I got my results yesterday from 2nd op (full lymph clearance 3 weeks ago, following mx 25th June) and 7 /19 nodes were effected. I see the prof on Monday to discuss treatment plan but know I need to have at least 7 chemo sessions folllowed by rads and hormone treatment.

Good luck to everyone starting this next part of their treatment.
Love and Hugs Sharon xx

Has my 2nd epi yesterday. hair is just starting to go
First cycle was very doable hope evry one else is ok