
Hello everyone I was on here almost two years ago and you were all so helpful.


I had a microductectomy in April 2012 and was one of the lucky ones to get the all clear however in November 2013 I started getting a pain at the site of the surgery thinking perhaps it was just healing or hormones I left it.


Come December the pain was really bad and it was swelling up to the point my nipple would disappear so off I goes to the GP.  She thinks its just a cyst and infected gave me antibiotics and referred me back to my surgeon just to get checked out.  A few weeks after Christmas I get what I now call my volcano a raised spot with yellow centre and it burst sending sticky yellow pus and what looks like blood everywhere so back to the GP.  More antibiotics and wait and see.  The lump has never gone and it swells up everyday some days more than others but about 2 weeks ago the swelling and pain got really bad and my volcano appears and yep explodes again so more antibiotics and the GP says she’ll chase the hospital for my appointment. 


My appointment has finally arrived (a week tomorrow) but now I’m scared stiff what if it isn’t a cyst?  What will they do to get rid of the cyst! I can’t have it swelling up and exploding every couple of weeks and 3 courses of antibiotics since the week of christmas sounds like quite a lot to me.  Could it be more than just a cyst?


I know there is nothing any of you can say really but this place is great for support.


Thank you for reading and any comments, help or anything is very much appreciated.



My goodness you are having a time of it, I’m so sorry. At least now it will be looked at properly and you will find out what is causing all this errupting!


I hope you can keep distracted until next week, take care.



Hi Highlander73

You’ve done the right thing coming back to this site for some support that you obviously need.  Our helpline staff are just a free phone call away if you would like to discuss your concerns with them, they’re here to support you.  0808 800 6000.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator