I am about 18 months post diagnosis (primary grade 3, plus DCIS, plus nodes, hormone + and HER +++). A recent bone density scan showed that I was at the lower end of the spectrum for my age (42). I have been given a calcium and vit D supplement. My GP also advised me to adopt ‘weight bearing’ exercise. This was in a letter, so I have not managed to discuss this further with him. I am very active with 3 kids, as well as dog walking and pilates. This may well be enough- I don’t know.
Does anyone have any experience of this? Any form of exercise that is particularly beneficial? I was going to start swimming after my recent recon, but now I am thinking I might be better with the gym?
Hi Tina
After 7 years of tamox/letrozol I am at the borderline of ostopenia. I am not an expert, but doing as much weight bearing exercise as poss seems sensible.
Swimming as you know is not WB, but simple things like walking are, especially if carrying things, so a gymn is not essential. Pilates and yoga are good, certain poses/exercises develop strength, which can be boosted by holding small weights. If you prefer company most gymns have non-aerobic classes that build strength, or you could get some weights and do them at home. There are quite a few books on exercises for building bone strength.
If you follow this link there are some really good examples of what sort of things you can do. I was also told that walking on rough ground eg hill walking was better than pounding the pavements, more interesting as well!
Thank you to both of you. It sounds from what you say, and the link, that the more you do the better- rather than there being some sort of ‘ceiling’ or limit, after which you are not gaining any more benefit (in terms of your bone strength). I will incorporate something into the exercises I already do- I’m not really a ‘gym’ girl. Quite fancy Zumba though…!!
Many thanks,