what are your follow up appointments after surgery & rads ?

just curious as I’m coming up to my first year mammogram at the end of April,followed by check up with surgeon- I just wondered what the frequency of check ups is for other people- as far as I know I will be seen every six months,I think…

Mine will be 6 monthly - not sure for how long though.

Hi Chipper, how are you doing? I had my one year check last week. Everything was fine and I’ll be seen again in 6 months. I think it varies from place to place though.

hi Salopets - I haven’t been on here for ages - glad to hear your check up was fine :slight_smile:
I think mine must be 6 months.

Much seems to depend on where you live. In Leicester you are only seen at yearly intervals once ‘active’ treatment ends. One moment you are attending for daily rads appointments and the next they are saying ‘’ on your bike" (or words to that effect!)
One year you see the surgeon and 12 months later you see the oncologist.
I think the appointments should be more staggered and that you should be seen after 3 months, then 6 and so on before it is left to yearly checks- but that is only my view. When I raised it with the onc he said that current research indicated that more frequent appointments did not produce any better outcomes -and if you have any symptoms, of course you can be seen earlier.
I think too little is made of the psychological impact of being ‘cast adrift’ after nine months of frequent hospital appointments - but I guess it is really all down to resources (i.e. money)

thanks topsymo -agree totally with you about the staggering of appointments after active treatment - I did feel totally alone after rads ended - great intensity and then nothing !