what can i eat

Hi, I found fruit was good for dealing with that nasty “kebab mouth” taste especially mango and pineapple - although had to avoid pineapple the first couple of days after each chemo session as I got acid heartburn and pineapple was too acidic, Once that died down I ate loads of it.

I also had a thing for the Thai dish “Crying Tiger” which is a sirloin steak cut into strips marinated in chilli and garlic. It melts in your mouth and the spices went down a treat. Plain rice to go with it as noodles made me feel off colour (for no reason other than I went off certain things) PS - in one particular Thai place they had the same dish but called it Silly Cow! LOL

I found if I didnt suck a lemon sherbet when having treatement I felt like I had the drug taste in my mouth all the time - I have constant slime - strawberries and meringues seem to work. Put a bit of weight on - discovered that the thought of food is yak but actually eating is fine and once over the worst bowt of sickeness could eat for England.

Good luck - about to move onto my Tax

I am also into strawberries and M&S meringues. Also lost taste for chocolate! Am losing weight. Must be the only one on chemo who is.