What do bone mets look like on a bone scan?

I had a bone scan yesterday and the nice man who did it was very friendly and when asked, showed me my scan on the screen. I asked him if there were any abnormalities, but he said he was not allowed to comment. I thought mets showed up as black but all I saw was white - does this mean I am OK? Have any of you been shown your scans? I did question a very bright white area on my foot and he said that was where I had an op on it some years ago so presume as that was the only area that ‘stuck’ out the rest is ok?

Hi Clarabelle.

I saw some of my early scans in the days they put them up on a light panel. My areas where there were bone mets showed up as black. I remember seeing my skull in particular which was covered in perfect black circles - scary. But I am not sure if you and I are comparing like with like.


Hi Clarabelle

Like Dawn i saw my MRI pics and where there should have been nice white bones showing in my spine it was as if they had vanished with a misty dark grey shadowing area.

Karen x