Happening younger? Another interesting point, Jax. I’m gobsmacked by how many younger women are being diagnosed. Until this happened to me (42) I had no idea how very many women in their 30s and 40s got it …
Happening younger? Another interesting point, Jax. I’m gobsmacked by how many younger women are being diagnosed. Until this happened to me (42) I had no idea how very many women in their 30s and 40s got it …
Hi Jax I was brought up in a farming community, my Dad, God rest his soul, was a poor farm labourer when I was small. We grew our own vegetables, he poached our chickens and rabbits for eating, we lived very frugaly yet well. We could not afford ‘rich foods’. There was no spraying of the crops etc. back in the 50’s. Yet I got breast cancer at the age of 55. Why? I know why. I had a hysterectomy at the age of 48 and was told I had to have a DOUBLE dose of HRT, implanted in my bum cheek every 3 months for 10 YEARS! With stress as well (husband went off with another woman when my daughter was only 4 weeks old!) I know that is what has caused my breast cancer.
Now, what caused my brain cancer 3 years later is something I am trying to work out!
Just to finish though, I am doing great…
1]blocked milk ducts on bc side 33 yrs ago
2]abcess on bc side 15 yrs ago
3]atrophied cyst bc side 8 yrs ago
4]frequent cysts both sides [aspirated annually]over 30 yrs
You pays yer money…
This is the first time that i have ever had a serious illness, no sore breasts during the lead up or during my periods, breastfed three kids, no probs, never been on any medication for stress, no pill, no coil, been in a steady marriage for nearly 20 years, no history of bc, got sterilised at the age of 29 due to not wanting more kids and that was done via keyhole surgery, then got diagnoised with bc and told that the cancer i have is a lot more common in younger women (till then i thought that 44 was quite young!!!) i did smoke full tiime, but gave up early this year, and have had a few lapses, i do enjoy a drink, i eat healthily, have always worked up until now, and have always been a positive sort of person, it beats the hell out of me as to why i have this, but hopefully all of us here will beat this.
what do you think caused it? Hi All
I have been told that my initial breast lumps were caused by ill-fitting bras. The reason they believe is that the lumps were in exactly the same place each time until the 4th operation.
I was on the pill when I was 19 but I was only on that for about 3 weeks.
Had a hysterectomy January 2005 but already had DCIS then.
Got knocked about by ex and his family so that could have caused the lumps.
Got divorced so got more stress
just had a mastectomy and now selling house so more stress.
Otherwise it is just bad luck.
Thinking of you all.