I have posted the link to BCC’s publication on breast reconstruction for you below. You can either download a copy or order a free copy to be posted out to you, if you wish to discuss any aspect of the surgery and recovery our helpline staff will be only too happy to have a chat with you. The calls are free, lines open Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm and Sat 9am - 2pm on 0808 800 6000 I hope this is of some help to you.
what I didnt mention was that I was originally a B cup and jumped at the chance to go bigger through reconstruction so had an implant put in my ‘good’ side which resulted in a very good D cup. It was unfortunate that I had two failed tissue expanders but hey ho it happens sometimes and my plastic surgeon is going to put in a third one next week to try to achieve a D cup on the mx side. If I was you with a small A cup I would definately look into having a tissue expander - its an inflatable implant which they put in and inflate with saline until the required size is reached which for you would be very quick as you are small - at least this way you dont need to take skin/muscle/fat from anywhere else to reproduce a new breast and I am sure the result would be just fab - I believe this can be done at the same time as the mx but you would have to check that with your surgeon. Whatever you decide having a mastectomy for me and a lot of girls is not at all as bad as you think it will be and the scar soon fades to just a silver line and almost invisible a year on so dont worry you will be fine. Keep posting no matter how small a question - we are all here to support each other.
Take care
hiya, I had masectomy in march. my biggest fear was waking up with nothing, in 5 weeks after diagnosis I went from yes have a masectomy and recon, to lumpectomy, back to masectomy and then after I made the final decision to have masectomy with recon they changed their mind and said cos of my sixe bowt 40E that i shouldnt have recon cos of radiotherapy, i was devastated and it took me a while after op to come to terms with it but I must admit the proper prothesis is much better than I thought, never wore low tops but am more limited now as chest wall sank a little. I am hoping to go for op next year and dont know how I will force myself through a nother op after a tough year and another op upgoing to remove ovaries but I want to get both boobs back but liek others totally unsure which way to go as Im such a wuss
I too had ovaries removed after mx as my mother had ovarian cancer which is linked to breast cancer.
You will find the strength to carry on with what seems like endless surgeries as like many others, the goal is to get the boobs back to as normal as can be.
It is a long process but you will get there eventually so keep strong and know you are not alone
As for being unsure - speak to people, ask questions, there are lots of us who have been there, done that, got the t-shirt and who will help you deicide which way to go.
Keep strong
Narnia, I desperately did not want to wake up lopsided, but my kids desperately wanted me to look as normal as possible (in clothes) too. They’re 16, 20 and 22, old enough to be quite involved, and we are all massively relieved that immediate recon was offered at all. I would certainly make the same choice again.
I agree with palomino98 and some of the others. I was 60 when I had mine done last year, I was so pleased to be able to have it all done at once. I had an extended LD flap recon. and opted for radiotherapy after instead of chemo. It was fine because there is no implant.
It is your body and you must do what you feel comfortable with.
Just to let you know Ive decided against reconstructive surgery. I just think because of my little A cups I can handle one missing. Lets hope I feel the same after the op. I do feel a lot better having made the decision though and thankyou to everyone who shared both sides of the story with me xx