what should I take with me for 1st appointment

Can anyone advise me I am sure you will. I have ny first chemo on 21st Oct and
I have pre appointment on the same day so I really don’t know what to expect.
Should I take anything with me? Not even sure how long I will be there. Tried to
get more information but receptionist just kept telling me that the appointments was full and nothing to worry about I will soon find out. So please help any advise
would be grateful

I would say take a friend, or partner, I went to all my wife’s chemo appointments, she say that she really appreciated it.

we took a deck of cards or travel scrabble, a good book, or a couple of magazines.

My wife also took a note pad and pen, to keep notes should the Onc Doc rattle on too fast, plus she wrote questions to ask, before each appointment, you always forget once you get there so writing them down helped.

A little patienst always helps, it can sometimes feel like a day out, but with plenty to keep you occupied time does go quickly.

I wish you luck, what type of chemo are you having?

Peace and love, Matt

Good luck. Well I was told to take nothing, the only thing I took was water and a sweet to suck to keep horrid taste at bay. To be honest depends what chemo you had, I had FEC first and the nurses adminster it through syringes attached to the drip so didnt even get to chill as they sat and talked all through it, was a good time to ask questions, I had written some down. to be honest they had magazines in and always asked if you wanted water etc. I would take someone with you if poss, you dont need it but you might just not feel with it, after the first one I drove myself to them all.

Good luck, hopefully it wont be as bad as you expected.

a friend, a full tummy and lots of water to drink!!!
Best of luck

Make sure you’ve eaten before hand because you may feel sick later on after the chemo. I took water which I sipped all the way through and I also took a flask of green tea which I enjoy. I brought my iPod so that I could relax to calming music and also do a guided meditation. I didn’t need it, though, because the chemo nurse was so sweet and friendly and we chatted the entire time about all sorts of things. A non-challenging book or magazine is also a good idea; chemo makes your mind go fuzzy and anything that requires concentration can be frustrating. I also brought my camera so that I could record what was happening.

As far as taking someone with you goes, if you like having a close friend for support, then definitely take someone. I went on my own because I find that my husband and friends tend to get upset, for me and for themselves. I can’t be bothered with that and do all my appointments for everything on my own, it’s more efficient for me that way. It’s up to you, whatever makes you feel better able to cope. Make sure that your chemo department allow a friend to sit with you. I was at an oncology department on Monday where they’re so busy that they don’t let friends or family sit with the people having chemo.

Do whatever’s right for you, but remember, you will be absolutely fine!

Only thing I would add is IF you are using cold cap take a small towel to put round your neck - better than using their horrible ones.

I took my own blanket too but didn’t need it. I also ate on and off all the way through, which surprised me more than I could tell you.

Just stay calm - I had my frst one today and it was very very very much better than I ever hoped for.

You will be fine - just be calm

hi pheebster

what type of chemo did you have and how long do you have to have it for. Hope you are feeling ok keep in touch

Hi Starsky

I had my 1st FEC yesterday. I am having 3 x FEC and 3 x TAX. I found it all surreal…you know…sitting in a chemo ward ( I was the youngest there and I am 48) thinking “how the frig did it come to this”. But it was very calm. Once the cannula was in which was very quick, to be fair, it was all plain sailing.

My hand was kept warm throughout with a microwaved wheat bag and the drugs were hand-fed through, so nurse was with me all the time, so I had lots of tips from her and found that helpful.

Other than not getting to sleep til 1.30 last night and up again at 4.00 this morning, I have felt fine. I have so much energy, I feel like someone has slipped me some Class A in with my chemo!!!

If you are on FEC look at the FEC thread as we are all keeping a diary on there and it may help you (nothing scary to read, just day to day chatter)

Hi Starsky
I’ve just had my first epi-CMF and wished I had taken something to suck/chew - the taste was just metallic - but not too vile at all. I had been warned that it may take most of the day , but I was first in, the treatment (makes it sound like a nice realaxing massage!!) took not long. Just had to wait for my meds from the pharmacy and I was out in just under 3 hours. It’s a new journey for me too so if you want a buddy I’ll be happy to be yours! (Trouble is I keep forgetting where I post so that’s not good!). After a good breakfast, I had a lift to and from the hospital, but had the treatment by myself - it was a very chatty, jolly place (yes I know, I didn’t expect that either!) & the time passed quickly. You will often see the same faces depending on the timing of your treatment. I took my i-pod (didn’t use it in the end), water (I live near Basingstoke so it all has to be boiled cos of a bug that’s in it apparently - tastes foul!!), I didn’t have the cold cap but have heard it can get chilly … so take warm clothes if you’re having it. Best bit of advice I was given for post chemo - just listen to your body… I was very scared but it hasn’t been too bad. Make sure you call the unit if the anti-sick drugs don’t work (mine did) - there are alternatives to try. There’s a fantastic thread - top ten tips for chemo - I’ve put them together and can easily e-mail them to you if you want - you’ll have to send me a private message with your e-mail address tho.

Good luck and let us know how you go - I actually think the mammogram recall, waiting for results, waiting for surgery, waiting for results, waiting for first chemo have all been worse than the actual first injections… so far!!!


I have just started guided meditation - have you been doing it long? Does it get easier??!! Also I used to drink gallons of green tea - but have completely gone off it :frowning:

Thanks for the e-mail address - I’ll send you the top tips for chemo! I’m doing ok thanks just been for long walk by the beach - beautiful day!!

Have a look at the top tips for going through chemo - just bumped it up. Don’t want to be too pessamistic but a sick bowl for the car journey home might be useful - you probably wont need it but just in case… The other thing which I’m sure is on here somewhere and is really for when you are at home - get a good thermomiter and use it the first instance you feel unwell - again you probably won’t need it but it’s as well to know what to expect) Sorry don’t meant scare you - I got through it without anything aweful and I’m sure you will.

Boots do a fantastic digital thermometer. I’ve had mine a good few years, cost about £7 but well worth the cost.