Whats a normal wait for surgery?

Hi lynnc123, im sorry to hear you’re in the waiting zone too. Its a tough place to be. im waiting to see if i need a double mastectomy or a single and a lumpectomy.
How are you feeling after your operation? i hope you are recovering well x

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Thanks Tili, i am trying my best to keep busy- ive pulled out a big pile of photos and am creating a scrapbook and walking alot. Im also trying to do things while i can as i know I’ll be laid up for a while, once i have the op x

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Thanks Tigress, i did wonder if the holidays are slowing it all down. It is so frustrating! Even if i get a call on Tuesday, my doc is on holiday so im not sure how much forward progress will be made. Id like a reconstruction so know I’ll need to see the plastics team n that will slow it all down. Id
like to go to a support group, but not sure if theres one nearby. I’ll check with my nurse. I dont like to keep chasing, ill see what happens on Tuesday x

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@springer5 It’s been four weeks now and recovering is good. I’ve started back running and lifting light weights. Still a bit numb and tight across scar and underarms where sentinel lymph nodes were taken out.

BUT I absolutely love it - I may genuinely be losing the plot and having a breakdown but I actually prefer it - how weird is that!!

And I was absolutely terrified, hysterical crying that I would wake up and vomit at the sight of me (immediate reconstruction was going to add a nine-week wait so I opted to go for the op first). I may in the future change my mind but at the moment I love it - I was 34GG so they did get in the way, and as I needed bilateral, I’m not lopsided. My daughter 22 saw my scars and said they ‘look good’, and my son, 11, has seen them loads of times (no privacy in our house) and is no different to when I had boobs…

I now just need those bloody results to see what’s next.

I had IDC grade 2 and DCIS in one and DCIS in other so bilateral was the preferred surgery, also ES positive and HER2 negative.

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Its so good to hear that you are recovering so well and so quickly! And im pleased you are happy with the results.
A 9 week wait is such a long time! I want a immediate reconstruction and have no idea at the moment how long i will have to wait. Ive been told its grade 1 and okay to wait, but i keep wondering what if they are wrong, and surely they wont know for sure until they take it out. I’ll have to weigh it all up once i get these last results and an idea of how long the next wait will be.
From one waiting zone to another!
Driving us all crazy!
Do let me know when you get your results and how you get on x

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Hi springer5, I had my biopsy October 2023 and with scans, MRI, CT scan etc (which you will need if you’re having a DIEP reconstruction (using tummy tissue) it was Feb 2024 before I had the surgery. I was reassured this would not cause the cancer to spread further, it was not an aggressive form. They told me that if they thought it needed to be dealt with quickly, the wouldn’t have offered me that option, I would have had the surgery much sooner, using an implant. One reason for the delay is the op needs two teams of surgeons and a full day in theatre, so it takes longer to co-ordinate and plan. It sounds big, and it is but I recovered really well, and the reconstruction is amazing! The surgery was followed up with a week of radiotherapy and I’m now on letrozole. I am booked in for a nipple reconstruction and tattoo in Feb next year.
Beforehand I read Rosamond Dean’s book ‘Reconstruction’ which was really helpful. Everyones cancer diagnosis and treatment is different but the book talked sensibly through all the options. Good luck with everything and I hope it all goes well xx

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Thank you! Your message really helped. It’s so hard waiting and very hard not to worry or overthink.
Its really positive to hear that you are recovering well and are pleased with the results.
I had my appointment today for the results from the guided biopsy and unfortunately it was precancerous cells so i need a double mastectomy. Im gutted.
The doc also said he wasnt sure that i had enough tummy for the diep reconstruction. Ive got an appointment next week with the plastics team. Will have to wait n see x

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Hi Springer, I’m sorry to hear you have to have a double…the plastic surgeons are incredible though and if they can do the tummy flap they will. I do know someone whose tummy was flat as a pancake and she had a double reconstruction with tissue taken from behind - sounds drastic but it worked and she is fine. My point is that there may be a few options, just think about it carefully. The main objective is to get rid of the cancer and leave you feeling good about the final outcome. It’s a really tough thing to go through and I hope whichever way you go, it works well for you. Also that you get plenty of support xx

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Hi, I was told that i didn’t have enough tummy for a diep reconstruction, so I’ve opted for implants. Im not really sure how i feel, i dont want to be flat. And not to state the obvious, but i dont want a double mastectomy. I want to stay as i am.

The wait is shorter for this type of reconstruction so at least I can get it over with this month. And the op is only a couple of hours, I’ll be home the same day.

The Doc hopes there wont be any need for radiotherapy as its a mastectomy. But cant say for sure till they get the pathology results in.

I guess the next step will be hormone treatment, which ive read such awful side affects from.

Sorry, not a very positive post. Hope i feel more myself once ive had the op and can focus on recovery