When can I play golf again?

Hi Ladies

I hope this is not to trivial to post, but I am trying to keep life as normal as possible.
I had a mastectomy 6 weeks ago and have started on the chemo now. I’m trying to find things to look forward to during the treatment and I love playing golf. I have been exercising like mad and have a good range of movement again.
I’d love to hear any of your experiences.


Hi Kristy,
My treatment was a little different than yours as I had chemo first then mastectomy and then rads.

I played golf all through my chemo ( still am, as I sadly have secondaries)

My friend also had a mastectomy only and started playing six weeks after her op.

Golf has beeen my lifeline over the past 18 months, I haven`t told anyone at the club about my secondaries, so my life at the moment feels so “normal” Just wish I could just get that blasted handicap down!!!

Happy golfing,
Take care,