When do eyelashes growth back after taxotere

Hello Marysia and all…

I finished Taxotere in November 2007 and I can tell you that it took some months before I got over the side effects. I imagined that as soon as I’d passed the 3 -weeks- since -my -last -one stage I would be feeling great, but not so!

Leaden legs, swollen ankles, sore feet, fatigue, they all linger on for a few weeks, but gradually you will get better, you will find you may still need lots of rest and time for the body to recover from all its been through.

I think we are all different when it comes to hair etc. returning. My own hair started to come back on Tax, although the eyebrows and lashes were slower. Then one day I noticed in the mirror that there were shadows where my eyebrows and lashes used to be! Closer inspection revealed that both were making a come back…I so remember the joy of it!!

Be kind to yourselves ladies, Taxotere is a tough devil and most people seem to take a while to get over it.

Best wishes


Hi all,

and thanks Justme - I’m exactly at that 3-weeks-since-my-last-one, and no way am I over it! Postive things are that my mouth is completely back to normal, the hair on my head is growing and I don’t feel as tired. However, my legs look like they’ve been transplanted from the michelin man: I think they are more swollen than they have ever been! That leaden feeling when walking is still very evident too.

Guess I just need to be patient!

Good luck to all,

Hi all

I’m sorry to report that I finished by tax 20th February 2008 and my eyebrows are still very spare and pale. Eyelashes - no problem didn’t really lose many.

I had my surgery just over 3 weeks after finishing tax and found that I felt better after the surgery than after my final dose of tax. The eye problems, do sort themselves out quite quickly, say within a few months.

Good luck everyone.


Do we lose our eyelashes with the FEC chemo or the second Tax stuff - still getting the hang of this jargon. Only just had my first chemo on Monday, and can’t stop looking in the mirror for the first hair to drop!

Hi There, I/ve just had 2nd FEC and my hair started falling out on day 16 after 1st one! going to have remainder shaved off tomorrow as my head is very sore so just wanna get rid now. So far eyebrows and eyelashes still there but chemo nurse told me should stay thru FEC, 1 more to go for me but then I start 3 Taxotere and she said they’ll prob go quite quickly when that starts! Lets wait and see. X

Thanks mjjje, that means I’ll still have eyes when I go in for my skin graft in 13 days time. Thank heaven for small mercys!